Carmen Cuenca-García

Postdoctoral Fellow (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU University Museum, Department of Archaeology and Cultural History, Trondheim, Norway )



Carmen is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) working in archaeo-geophysics since January 2017 and co-founder of the TEMAR group. She holds a BA in Archaeology and Prehistory (University of Valencia, 1998), an MSc in archaeological prospection-shallow geophysics (University of Bradford, 2008) and a PhD in near-surface geophysics for archaeological prospection (University of Glasgow, 2013). Carmen has held positions at the Laboratory of Geophysical-Satellite Remote Sensing & Archaeoenvironment (IMS-FORTH) in Rethymno, Crete (2013-2015) and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) in Vienna (2015-2016). Her field experience includes work in Scotland, Greece, Cyprus, Austria, Jordan, Spain, the United Arab Emirates and Norway. Her research has mainly focused in developing integrated geophysical & soil physico-chemical characterisation methods to maximise proxy data interpretation of buried archaeological sites and landscapes. Besides archaeological investigations, her interests have also developed in humanitarian applications of geophysical prospection. These include the use of high-resolution geophysics to detect unmarked human burials, mass-graves and illegal infrastructure. Carmen is the Chair of COST Action SAGA.

  1. Cuenca-García, C., Armstrong, K., Aidona, E., De Smedt, P., Rosveare, A., Rosveare, M., Schneidhofer, P., Wilson, C, Faßbinder, J., Moffat, I., Sarris, A., Scheiblecker, M., Jrad, A., van Leusen, M., Lowe, K. (2018). The Soil science & Archaeo-Geophysics Alliance (SAGA): going beyond prospection. Research Ideas and Outcomes, 4, 25.
  2. Cuenca-García, C. (2018). Soil geochemical methods in archaeo-geophysics: Exploring a combined approach at sites in Scotland. Archaeological Prospection, 16-1.
  3. Hafez I.; Sorrentino, G.; Faka, M.; Cuenca-García, C.; Makarona C.; Charalambos A.; Nys K.; Hermon, S. (2017). Geochemical survey of soil samples from the archaeological site Dromolaxia-Vyzakia (Cyprus), by means of micro-XRF and statistical approaches. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 11, 447-462.
  4. Bishop, P.; Cuenca-García, C.; Jones, R.; Cook, D. (2017). Lime burning in clamp kilns in Scotland’s Western Central Belt: primitive industry or simple but perfectly adequate technology?. Industrial Archaeology Review, Vol. 39 (1), 38-58.



SKYPE: carmencuenca-garcia