Andrei Asandulesei

PhD Researcher III (Interdisciplinary Research Department - Field Science, ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iași, Romania)


Andrei Asăndulesei is currently researcher III at Interdisciplinary Research Department – Field Science from” Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iași, Romania. He completed, in 2012, his PhD studies in the field of History, at the same institution, under the supervision of professor Nicolae Ursulescu. Areas of interest concern prehistoric archaeology, geophysical prospections, aerial photography and GIS applications in archaeology. During doctoral studies and after the completion of thesis he benefited from research internships at academic centers form Europe (Austria, Germany), Australia or USA. He participated at numerous national and international scientific conferences and is the main author or co-author of numerous papers published in peer reviewed journals or edited volumes related with interdisciplinary studies in archaeology. PhD thesis entitled GIS, Photogrammetry and Geophysics in Archaeology. Non-invasive investigations in Cucuteni Settlements from Romania was published in 2015 at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Publishing House.


  1. Asăndulesei A. Inside a Cucuteni Settlement: Remote Sensing Techniques for Documenting an Unexplored Eneolithic Site from Northeastern Romania. Remote Sensing 9: 41, 2017.
  2. Asăndulesei A. Oblique Air Photography for Chalcolithic Sites from Eastern Romania. Analysis And Interpretation. Some Examples. Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica XX: 69-89, 2014.
  3. Asăndulesei A., L. E. Istina, V. Cotiugă, F. A. Tencariu, Şt. Caliniuc, R. Balaur, A. P. Creţu, I. C. Nicu, B. Venedict. Cesium magnetometer survey in the Cucuteni settlement of Fulgeriş - La Trei Cireşi, Bacău County, Romania. Romanian Reports in Physics, 64, 3, 2012.