Andra Strimaitienė

Research Fellow (Department of Archaeology, Institute of Lithuanian History)


Graduated a Bachelor‘s degree (1994) and in Master‘s degree (1996) in Vilnius University, Faculty of History, Department of Archaeology. In 2004, graduated Doctoral studies at the same institution (topic of the dissertation: "Cultural dynamic in Selonia region in 1st-13th centuries AD"). From 1989 until now works at the Archaeological Department, Lithuanian Institute of History (currently, research fellow). She has been doing research in Archaeology since 1995. From 2007 - Member of the Editorial Board of the peer-reviewed journal „Lietuvos archeologija“ (‚Lithuanian Archaeology‘), and in 2008-2011 was the Editor-in-chief of this journal. From 2009 the co-lecturer of the course on the Landscape Archaeology at Vilnius University. Along the expertise in traditional archaeology she has prompted the interest in soil properties for archaeological purposes with emphasis on using of geochemical methods (on the cooperation basis). In 2015-2017 she launched and headed the interdisciplinary project " Geoarchaeological soil research as a means to investigate ancient settlement sites", which was supported by the Lithuanian Board of Science.


  1. Selskienė, A., Simniškytė, A., Vaičiūnienė, J., Pakštas, V., Karpavičienė, V., Giraitis, R. 2017. Phosphorus in archaeological soil: comparison of different extraction methods. Chemija, vol. 28. No. 3. P. 160–171
  2. Simniškytė, A., Selskienė, A., Vaičiūnienė, J., Pakštas, V., Šmigelskas, R. 2017. Tracing Archaeology through Geochemistry: an Example of a Disturbed Prehistoric Hilltop Settlement Site in South-Eastern Lithuania. Interdisciplinaria Archaeologia, 8 (1), p.17-33.
  3. Simniškytė, A. 2016. The use of magnetic susceptibility and soil phosphate analyses to delineate space of settlement site in a forested area, East Lithuania In: Metody geofizyczne w archeologii Polsiej 2016 (red. M. Furnanek, T. Herbich, M. Mackiewicz). Wroclaw, 2016., p. 99.