Safe Ship Moving Services on Packing Home Areas 

Safe Ship Moving Services: Pack Specific Areas Properly

Packing for a move can be stressful enough without having to worry about running out of supplies halfway through the process. That's why it's crucial to make sure you have all the necessary materials before diving into the packing phase. From boxes and tape to bubble wrap and labels, having everything you need at the outset can make a significant difference in how smoothly the process goes.

Safe Ship Moving Services shares a checklist to help you stay organized. As you prepare for moving day, these are the essential items that you must have:

1. Boxes

First, you need to have boxes. These are the biggest priority when packing. Always have a variety of sizes of boxes for items in your home. It can make organizing easier.

2. Adhesive or Acrylic Packing Tape

Having a strong adhesive or acrylic packing tape to seal boxes will make sure your stuff will stay in them securely.

3. Bubble Wrap, Old Towels, Old Clothes, Old Blankets, and Newspaper

Bubble wrap, old towels, and old clothes can be used to wrap fragile items and ensure your home goods, especially the breakable ones, are put away safely. You may also use old blankets for the larger items.

4. Utility Knife, Scissors, and Box Cutter

A utility knife, box cutter, and scissors can cut a variety of things. You should be able to make a clean cut to tape, and other materials can reduce any hassle when assembling things.

5. Permanent and Colored Markers

Permanent markers are also useful for labeling boxes. Use permanent markers to label boxes. It will help you sort them by room when unpacking. Safe Ship Moving Services says colored markers can help you color-code your boxes and make them even more organized.

After securing the items you need for packing, below are two strategies that will help you pack your items based on areas of your home.

First, your home office.

As Safe Ship Moving Services points out, your home office contains important items and documents. How you pack your electronics, paperwork, and other stuff is essential.

Don't pack boxes too heavily. Try color-coding wires for electronics when you disassemble them. Also, don't forget to take a photo of the electronics before dismantling them. It helps you properly put them back together once you've moved. Keep all important documents in a secure box and keep them close to you.

The next area is your kitchen.

Safe Ship Moving Services notes that the kitchen is a place where you and your loved ones gather. It may seem easiest to put as much as you can into a box to hurry up the process. That said, taking care of your kitchen appliances by packing them properly could save you a huge headache.

You can start by donating as many food items as you can. Dispose of any open packages to avoid messes and spills. Make sure all kitchen appliances, such as coffee makers, toasters, blenders, and more, are emptied and cleaned well before packing. Wrap their cords in a plastic bag before putting them inside the appliance. Pack these appliances in their original boxes if you still have them.

Safe Ship Moving Services also mentions that all breakable items should be in boxes labeled "FRAGILE." On that note, you should use bubble wrap to stack smaller dishes to prevent them from breaking during the move.

Lastly, the outdoor areas and the garage.

Often, the focus is on items within the home, so you have to make sure you carefully plan how to pack stuff from the outdoor area and garage as well.

Safe Ship Moving Services mentions that you have to remove any charcoal, burnt wood, or propane tanks from your grills, fire pits, and heaters. You also have to clean furniture and break it down for easy moving. Then, keep your toolbox or tools you may need for the move and pack those last. Remember to cover any sharp tools with towels, cardboard, or their original carrying cases for safety. Finally, recycle the light bulbs you'll no longer use.

Safe Ship Moving Services is a fully licensed and bonded interstate household goods moving broker. The company's mission is to provide exceptional moving services fueled by professionalism, integrity, and outstanding customer care. Head over to this page to learn more about its services.