Safe Ship Moving Services Carry Boxes the Right Way

Safe Ship Moving Services: Stay Injury-Free While Moving

While there are many ways to make relocating to a new home more efficient and less stressful, Safe Ship Moving Services says that it has to be safe. After all, these aren't little objects you'll be hauling around. Moving may not be free soloing or base jumping, but like all activities that involve physical exertion, like heavy lifting, it can be quite dangerous if you're careless. If you're not prepared for it, the consequences could be more serious than you think.

It's good that many common injuries and safety risks related to moving can be easily avoided. Safe Ship Moving Services shares three tips for carrying heavy logs to help you safely carry those boxes.

1. Look for carrying equipment.

Safe Ship Moving Services mentions some things people weren't meant to carry on their own. However, there are fortunately a lot of pieces of equipment that can help you carry heavy objects. Using such equipment is highly recommended if you're moving furniture by yourself. Remember, having the proper moving equipment is a huge plus to safely carrying everything in your home.

You can rent or buy a dolly to make your move much safer and keep yourself and your possessions damage-free. You can use a two-wheel appliance dolly, a hand truck, or a four-wheel furniture dolly. According to Safe Ship Moving Services, this will reduce the strain on your body and prevent any risks of injuries or accidents. 

You can also look up furniture sliders, which are pieces of plastic or rubber that allow you to slide furniture rather than carry it, which could even prove to be a burden to professionals. When you slide your furniture across the floor, you can do some of your most strenuous work quickly and easily.

2. Always lift the right way.

While this advice may seem vague, Safe Ship Moving Services assures you it isn't. 

Lifting techniques may look like something only relevant to professional weightlifters refrigerators or appliance haulers do for a living. That said, properly using your body when lifting anything can help you lift heavier objects more safely. It can come in handy for everyone; this is especially important when moving.

First, ensure you always have a good, firm grip. Keep your back straight while lifting as well as carrying. Keep heavy objects centered in relation to your body. Hold them tightly to you to make sure they don't rock your balance. Now, if you need to turn while carrying heavy items, do so by moving your feet together along with the load in small steps.

3. Don't lift the box if it feels heavy. 

Always remember that when moving, it's very easy to underestimate the weight of an object. In your eagerness, it's also very easy to over-exert yourself. When you rush to get things over and done with or in a fit of frustration, resist the urge to act carelessly. You might push yourself too far. If you do, it may unfortunately end in injury -- and an even more drawn-out and frustrating move. 

If you have an inkling that you may not be able to carry or handle a box or object on your own, don't push it. Also, don't try to pack too much in any box. Make sure you have friends to help you, says Safe Ship Moving Services.

Safe Ship Moving Services is a fully licensed and bonded interstate household goods moving broker. Whether people are moving nearby or across the country, its comprehensive suite of services meets diverse relocation needs. The company specializes in corporate relocations, long-distance moves, and military transfers and showcases its versatility and unwavering commitment to unique requirements. More on the company's offerings  here.