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Looking for a great job opportunity?
We connect pros with employers
We connect pros with employers
Safer Pros its parent company and affiliated companies do not promise or imply employment to anyone. Safer Advisors is not a employment agency nor a lender or broker. The information you provide to Safer Advisors is not an application for employment from Safer Advisors or it advertisers or affiliated companies. Safer Advisors, does not endorse, warrant or guarantee a call back, an interview, or employment from any company or advertiser with Safer Advisers or broker and does not guarantee and makes no representations of any short or long-term employment. Hourly rates, positions, and employment programs offered by employers and brokers vary drastically. You need to do your research on the company prior to accepting any employment position and before signing any binding employment contract. . This website is not intended as an advertisement for credit as defined by 12 CFR 1026.24. All information is subject to change without notice. An inquiry you submit to Safer Advisors is for the purpose of obtaining additional information regarding a potential employment provided by a third-party company under terms & conditions arranged directly between you and such employer, and conditioned upon the completion of all pre-employment documentation. Safer Advisers is not responsible or liable for any loss of employment, loos of income, or any other injury or damage obtained as a result of or in connection with this web site, including, without limitation, any employment agent referrals, employment recommendations, employment application, job approval, or job denial. Safer Advisers recognizes that there may be differences in pay rates based on job position, geographic location, and other factors. Safer Advisers will not charge you a fee for our services. Safer Advisers does not discriminate based on race, color, sex, religion, disability, national origin, citizenship. or based on age. individuals must be 18 years of age or older. None of the questions on this questionnaire are intended to be used for discrimination