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Identify Service People Before They Enter Your Home
Work only with the professional contractors and companies that take your personal security seriously!
Did you know that less than 10% of all service companies put a real employee background screening program in place that you the homeowner can verify?
The Companies that work with SaferPros℠ are part of a professional network of professional contractors that require their employees to go through a rigorous screening program including criminal record searches, drug tests, verifying state and local trade certification, employment history, education verification as well as confirmation of driver’s licenses.
SaferPros℠ helps you feel confident about the company and service providers you hire by:
Verifying that the individual at your doorstep is an authorized employee of the company you hired
Confirming that they have been through a rigorous Employer Screening Program including criminal records and driver screenings, and/or drug tests and much more. (We recommend only hiring a certified SaferPros℠
Validating through independent reviews the company maintains active insurance and federal, state, and local licenses for their service work
Simply enter the official SaferPros℠ ID of the employee or company into the verification box above along with your contact information to verify that the company and employee have met the requirements to join the SaferPros℠ Contractor verification Program.
Warning Signs of Potential Problems With a Service Technician
To better protect you and your family, here are a few top warning signs homeowners should be aware of before opening the door to n:
Somebody arrives unexpectedly or is not the person you expected.
He can’t produce valid company identification.
He doesn’t have proper paperwork.
He continuously invades your personal space.
He enters area not inside the service area and/or shows interest in household items other than the reason for the visit.
He raises inappropriate topics of conversation.
He shows unusual interest in you or your children.
He appears or acts less than professional in any way.
He brings a friend on the call.
He asks to use your restroom.
Important Questions to Ask Your Service Company
To address these concerns, there are some basic questions homeowners should ask the service company prior to setting the appointment:
Do you background screen your employees and contractors? What is the name of the person coming to my house?
What type of identification will the person have? A badge? An ID? Paperwork?
Will there be anybody else accompanying the person?
Will the person need to come inside my home?
where in my home will the repairman need to go? My bathroom? My bedroom?
Positive Things You Can Do To Protect Yourself
After you make an appointment inform your friends and family that you are expecting a house call. When the repairman arrives, call your spouse, friend or neighbor so the repairman can hear and say, ‘The repairman just arrived. I will call you as soon as he leaves which should be about 30 minutes.’ This puts the repairman on notice that others are watching. If you can have another adult there with you, that’s even better.
Never allow someone into your home or on your property that you did not contact or expect. If you receive a telemarketing offer and are interested, ask for their number and call them back so you have a record and you know the company is legitimate.
Finally, call the police 911 immediately if you feel in danger or the situation warrants. Always Trust your gut instincts and protect yourself and your family at all times!
Background Checked, Verified Licensed & Insured Safer Pros!
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