Equifax Breach

Equifax announced a major cyber security breach on September 7, 2018 involving up to 143 million people. Names, addresses, social security numbers and in some cases credit card numbers were stolen. The data theft was discovered on July 29, but not made public until September 8.

One data security expert estimated that, if you have a credit report file on Equifax, the probability that your records were part of the breach is more than 50%.

Equifax has set up a special website where you can learn if your records are part of the breach. That site is found at https://www.equifaxsecurity2017.com/potential-impact/.

Why You May Not Want to Use this Equifax Site

HOWEVER!!! Before clicking into this Equifax site, know you may be giving up your right to sue. See the, "Washington Post" article, "By signing up on Equifax’s help site, you risk giving up your legal rights". See below following the, "New York Times" article link.

"New York Times" Guidance: "How to Protect Yourself Online":

The "New York Times" published a special post in response to this breach. See, "How to Protect Yourself Online" at https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/technology/how-to-protect-data-online.html

Steve Carter

September 8, 2017