Born during the summer of 2021 as school board meetings across the country began to experience coordinated disruptions from groups pushing extreme right wing views Redlands experienced it's own local uptick in efforts to defund public education. Safe Redlands Schools formed in response to this uptick. SRS has created a community of parents, caregivers, educators and allies who seek to promote physical and emotional safety for the K-12 students of Redlands.

Safe Redlands Schools has worked to identify, monitor and educate the community on local factions of extreme political groups and hate groups who have an interest in disrupting the public education system. In order to ensure our community feels safe while speaking to our elected officials about the importance of fair and equitable public education, SRS has worked to create and execute safety plans for attending and participating in public meetings.

Looking forward we will continue to push back on hate speech and defunding efforts as well as work within our community to identify ways to make our schools safer learning environments for EVERY child.