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The anatomical safety of intramuscular injections at the deltoid and ventrogluteal sites has been investigated; however, the anatomical relationship between intramuscular injection sites in the thigh and major blood vessels and nerves remains unclear. We aimed to compare intramuscular injection sites in the rectus femoris and vastus lateralis with those at the deltoid and ventrogluteal sites and identify safe intramuscular injection sites in the thigh. Twenty-seven young adult volunteers were recruited, and the thicknesses of subcutaneous tissue and muscle as well as the number of blood vessels present were evaluated at two sites on the deltoid, ventrogluteal, and thigh using ultrasound equipment. The right thighs of 24 cadavers were used, and the thickness of muscle, number of blood vessels or nerves present, and the distance between each examined site and major blood vessels or nerves were evaluated in the rectus femoris and vastus lateralis. A major blood vessel was observed in the middle of the rectus femoris in young adults. In cadavers, the descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery and muscle branch of the femoral nerves to the vastus lateralis were observed at the middle point, distal two-thirds point, and middle point between the middle and distal two-thirds points of the rectus femoris, but not at the middle of the vastus lateralis. The middle of the vastus lateralis is an appropriate site for intramuscular injections because of the low risk of vascular or nerve damage. The present results support good practices for site selection for intramuscular injections.

Past evaluations of the program from Johns Hopkins have found that Safe Streets sites are associated with decreases in fatal and nonfatal shootings, both in the sites' target areas and the area immediately surrounding the sites. In 2020, Safe Streets sites mediated over 2,300 conflicts. In June 2021, the Cherry Hill site celebrated over one year without a homicide within its catchment zone.

A core piece of Safe Streets' model is community mobilization. Sites host events and conduct daily outreach to share information, build trust with community members, and spread the Safe Streets message via credible messengers. Safe Streets sites are regarded as trusted community hubs to access resources and conflict mediation services. In 2020, Safe Streets sites hosted 451 community mobilization events with 58,000+ total attendance.

Safe Streets is starting an intensive internal evaluation to identify ways to improve the levels of service and outcomes provided by the ten sites. Using state funds, MONSE has contracted with Dr. Joseph Richardson, Acting Chair of the African-American Studies Department at the University of Maryland, and Dr. Daniel Webster, Director of the Center for Gun Violence Prevention and Policy at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, to also evaluate Safe Streets and recommend steps for updating the model and integrating an improved Safe Streets into an ecosystem of care to address violence in our communities.

The results suggest that average Americans tend to view these strategies negatively. Among the 1,004 adults sampled, only 29 percent supported legalizing safe consumption sites in their communities and only 39 percent supported legalizing syringe services programs in their communities. Respondents who had negative views about these strategies also tended to have very negative views of opioid users.

While the general public shows low support for legalizing safe consumption sites and syringe services programs, these harm-reduction strategies are supported by research and could play important roles in alleviating the public health burden from the opioid epidemic. McGinty and colleagues are now considering how to design information campaigns to boost public support for them.

Social networking sites, sometimes referred to as "friend-of-a-friend" sites, build upon the concept of traditional social networks where you are connected to new people through people you already know. The purpose of some networking sites may be purely social, allowing users to establish friendships or romantic relationships, while others may focus on establishing business connections.

Although the features of social networking sites differ, they all allow you to provide information about yourself and offer some type of communication mechanism (forums, chat rooms, email, instant messages) that enables you to connect with other users. On some sites, you can browse for people based on certain criteria, while other sites require that you be "introduced" to new people through a connection you share. Many of the sites have communities or subgroups that may be based on a particular interest.

Social networking sites rely on connections and communication, so they encourage you to provide a certain amount of personal information. When deciding how much information to reveal, people may not exercise the same amount of caution as they would when meeting someone in person because

While the majority of people using these sites do not pose a threat, malicious people may be drawn to them because of the accessibility and amount of personal information that's available. The more information malicious people have about you, the easier it is for them to take advantage of you. Predators may form relationships online and then convince unsuspecting individuals to meet them in person. That could lead to a dangerous situation. The personal information can also be used to conduct a social engineering attack. (See Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks for more information.) Using information that you provide about your location, hobbies, interests, and friends, a malicious person could impersonate a trusted friend or convince you that they have the authority to access other personal or financial data.

Additionally, because of the popularity of these sites, attackers may use them to distribute malicious code. Sites that offer applications developed by third parties are particularly susceptible. Attackers may be able to create customized applications that appear to be innocent while infecting your computer or sharing your information without your knowledge.

Children are especially susceptible to the threats that social networking sites present. Although many of these sites have age restrictions, children may misrepresent their ages so that they can join. By teaching children about Internet safety, being aware of their online habits, and guiding them to appropriate sites, parents can make sure that the children become safe and responsible users. (See Keeping Children Safe Online.)

Safe Place Connect is a community forum where licensed Safe Place agencies and sites can discuss topics of interest, share resources, and connect to access a strong network of support. Log in now through the Support Center to join a discussion!

Click individual links, below, to connect to many awesome websites containing both educational and fun games, information and resources. We've checked them out for you, so you can feel safe allowing your child to explore these wonderful sites. They are grouped by grade level. Scroll through to find the sites which are age-appropriate for your child.

SB 57 legalizes overdose prevention programs, also known as safe consumption sites or safe injection sites, as pilot programs in San Francisco, Oakland, the City of Los Angeles, and Los Angeles County. The City Council or Board of Supervisors of each pilot jurisdiction has requested to be included in the legislation, and each will decide locally whether to participate and to what extent. SB 57 simply removes the state prohibition that currently makes such programs illegal. SB 57 is a pilot program that will run for five years, through January 1, 2028.

Even if your ECE center meets current state licensing requirements, you may still be at risk of exposure to harmful chemicals in your area. This can put children and staff at greater risk of health problems like cancer, asthma, and learning disabilities. Children are more vulnerable to the effects of chemicals than adults. Their bodies are still developing, and they tend to put objects that could be unsafe into their mouths.

As an ECE provider, the best thing you can do is become aware. We can help your program make informed choices about choosing a safe site for your child care program or improve the safety at an established site. Follow these steps:

Hi, I am looking to download the above, but obviously from safe recommend sites that will be approved by adobe, or that cause no viruses, complications with CC or any of its programs as I have them all, and dont spam with umpteen emails every day haha

With URLVoid you can analyze a website through 30+ blocklist engines and online website reputation services to facilitate the detection of fraudulent and malicious websites. Identify websites involved in malware and phishing incidents.

URLVoid is used by cyber security companies and IT researchers to speed-up the process of cyber threat analysis, you can better identify potentially malicious websites that have been classified as a threat by multiple trusted sources.

When you submit a website you can view its safety report, which includes names of blocklists used for scanning and a link to their respective report, details about the website's IP address, domain creation date, server location, and more. 0852c4b9a8

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