I sometimes install files without using pacman. For example, I did use python installer, or just copy pasted some files into /bin etc. I know I can use find and get list of all files, and make a pacman -Qo for each, but it takes a lot of time to query each file seperately . Is there a better way that I can use to get a list of files that are not tracked by pacman?

Depends, `pacman -S packagename` is enough until the package is not in the mirrors anymore, but that can be solved as well if necessary.

Overall the reason for `pacman -Syu packagename` is to avoid partial upgrades, that can be caused by `pacman -Sy packagename`.

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I would no recommend `pacman -Syu packagename` for everything tho, sometimes you just want something new, instead of having to update everything and then potentially deal with whatever is new/changed and pacnews.

In the past, I just "pacman -S package" and switched to "-Syu package" when something didn't work. This was when I was sitting in front of an Arch box for 10+ hours a day and had rather heavy package fluctuation. Nowadays, I mostly manage Arch servers, virtual machines and a WSL instance, so I probably update and install packages once a day.

If every time you want to instal $pkg, you run `pacman -Syu $pkg` you'll be fine and you'll present no excess burden to the mirrors*. It is not always necessary and often it is also okay to just run `pacman -S $pkg`, but there isn't really any downside to always using `pacman -Syu $pkg`. The only possible downside noted by Awebb is that it may take a little longer to get $pkg installed if there are other updates available. But these would be updates you'd want soon enough anyways.

Note that I don't do this. I generally just use `pacman -S $pkg` to install something new. But I also run `pacman -Syu` often enough that I can probably count on 1 hand the number of 404 errors I've seen from and outdated local database (and that is over a decade of using arch as my only OS).

*note: if you regularly run `pacman -Syyu $pkg` you will present a burden to the mirrors. But `pacman -Syu $pkg` will have identical results as `pacman -S $pkg` in any case where the local system is currently up to date (except for the check on the database timestamp to check if a new db is available, but this is trivial).

But `pacman -Syu $pkg` will have identical results as `pacman -S $pkg` in any case where the local system is currently up to date (except for the check on the database timestamp to check if a new db is available, but this is trivial).

Yeah. Good question. I tried that out sometime ago, and it didn't work. I don't believe pacman likes "globbing", which is strange because the arcade game loved "gobbling"... In all seriousness, I'd would like to know too, since it would be nice to do so when upgrading a package set like XFCE-4 (with all the plugins and doodads).

Second note, pacman doesn't support globbing, but you should be able to write a shell script that did the trick using a combination of pacman -Ss, pacman -Su, grep, and awk. Or other tools you might prefer.

I am pretty sure that the wildcards are treated by the shell, so if you were on a directory 

that had two files called 'mamma' and 'pappa', the shell would try to run :

pacman -S fortune-modmamma pappa

I don't know if it is, but I see problems with it's implementation. Imagine using wildcards for the Open Office package or even perl. Then, some people will complain, "damn...we need regular expression syntax now, so pacman can minimize the number of packages returned..."

In my XFCE example, "group" sets handle it perfectly. Even `pacman -Sy gtk*` could be handled with a "group" definition I think. If "group" doesn't handle that example, maybe a "supergroup" definition could. It would pull in "gtk, gtk2, gtk-perl, gtk2-perl, etc." That would be nice to have, but personally, I prefer the 'tedious' nature of individually selecting packages, so I can have greater control over what's installed, instead of removing wildcard packages later that I don't need.

I came from Fedora to Arch and yum allows wildcard expressions. The first thing I did when I came to Arch was try a "pacman -S xfce4*". When that failed to work, I got annoyed and manually selected all the packages I needed. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has gone this path with Arch.

Yes, groups are a nicety (although not nearly as flexible as wildcards), but tell me how one is supposed to find out what groups exist? How is a new user supposed to know that there is a xfce4 group, for example? Trying "pacman -Ss xfce4" doesn't even tell me there's such a group.

Maybe this is the root of the problem then. When a user wants to install xfce4.2, for example, they are supposed to go to the website to see the listing of groups? Does this not sound a little.. unintuitive? Maybe the only thing that needs to be "fixed" is to make it more obvious within pacman that there are groups and how you can get a listing of them. To a new user, even seeing that packages are organized into groups on the website does not make it the least bit obvious that you can pacman -S these groups.

I'll buy that for a dollar. I don't know how anyone new to any distro will get it right the first time though, unless you're oscar. That guy's a genious. His father was 'deep thought'. 42. I had trouble with yum, pacman, etc the first time as well. Just about once a week I see some guy having problems with the xfce4 install, and it usually is because he upgraded the packages individually, so your point is well taken.

Maybe I'm not being clear. While that information is somewhat useful, it's still pretty hidden from the user. What I would like to see is that when you download a package that is within one of these groups, say xfce4-panel, it tells the user "hey, this is part of a xfce4 group - you might want to check that out". That would be ideal to me. This way, if I'm a new user who doesn't know about groups or I just didn't think to check if there's a group already, pacman will tell me when I start to manually grab some packages.

pacman is a utility which manages software packages in Linux. It uses simplecompressed files as a package format, and maintains a text-based packagedatabase (more of a hierarchy), just in case some hand tweaking is necessary.

pacman does not strive to "do everything." It will add, remove and upgradepackages in the system, and it will allow you to query the package database forinstalled packages, files and owners. It also attempts to handle dependenciesautomatically and can download packages from a remote server.

Version 2.0 of pacman introduced the ability to sync packages (the --syncoption) with a master server through the use of package databases. Prior tothis, packages would have to be installed manually using the --add and--upgrade operations.

Development of pacman is currently done in Git. The central repository ishosted by Arch Linux, although some of the developers have their own trees (askon the above mailing lists if you are interested in finding the locations ofthese trees).

If you are interested in hacking on pacman, it is highly recommended you jointhe mailing list mentioned above, as well as take a quick glance at ourHACKING document.submitting-patches is also a recommended read.

If you find bugs (which is quite likely), please email them to the pacman-devmailing last at pacman-dev@archlinux.org with specific informationsuch as your command-line, the nature of the bug, and even the package databaseif it helps.

blindly and not run into any trouble (other than filling up your hard drive). It only downloads package updates, allowing you to review the changes made to your system on the next -Su, yet have your packages ready to install. Also, the --noconfirm option does what yes | pacman does.

Pacman sometimes prints important informations and if you miss something, you will could have problems. Of course you can watch /var/log/pacman.log and bypass that situations. I even saw somewhere script/application for watching pacman.log. You just should be careful.

Note for people coming from Google (as I did): this is also dangerous. It's not quite as dangerous as pacman -Syu --noconfirm, but it's still a bad idea, and here's why:

Partial upgrades are not supported.

At first this may not make sense, but consider: what happens if you don't apply those updates and install something new? The thing you installed is new, because the package databases were refreshed, but the rest of your system hasn't caught up. Therefore you get a partial upgrade situation, which is bad.

Someday I'm going to write a script to fix this. But today is not that day.

Complete newbie here. I have been stuck for ages and can't find a solution although I am sure it is staring me straight in the face.

For some reason, although it was working previously, when I try to draw a circle now there is a cut out forming the shape of pacman. I have tried to delete the paths and move them but nothing seems to work. 

Any help will be greatly appreciated

I am trying to move from one arch install a (partitioned one) to another (a less-partitioned one) on my computer and I want a similar set up. So I was wondering if there was a simple way to get pacman to install the same packages. 0852c4b9a8

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