I primarily use 1Password, but I also store some low-security passwords in the built in iOS/Mac password manager. This is mainly for convenience when accessing these services since the built in mechanism is a little quicker than 1Password. Or course anything real/important is in 1P.

The Bitwarden extension works great on my MacBook. But I also often use my iPad Air M1 with Magic Keyboard as a laptop, because it is a lot smaller.

Many password managers now have a browser extension for Safari on iOS and iPadOS. I would like to have a Bitwarden browser extension on my iPad and iPhone.

This gives a bit of a desktop PC feeling on my iPad, when you use Stage Manager here.

Is this something Bitwarden could develop?

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I always see a connection to in the networkTab of Safari when I first load the page, even without consent. But so far I have not implemented anything from Google, I was only going to use Google Site Kit and implement Google Analytics via Site Kit or Complianz (what would be better?) And especially how do I get the call of the tag manager away before I have the consent, the German DSGVO is quite strict.

Actually I want to use Google Analytics, but then without googletagmanager being loaded BEFORE the consent was given. Any connection to the US without consent is a problem for the DSGVO as we had to find out by Google Fonts earlier this year by a court decision in Germany.

As soon as I select Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager in Complianz, whether with or without Site Kit enabled, a connection to googletagmanager is established the first time the page is loaded only in Safari.

I found before which seems to be what is shown in the network-Tab as connection to googletagmanager.com whenever the page is loaded for the first time and consent is not given and pretty sure it comes from Complianz.

Only if I activate Google Site Kit and implement the GA4 Snippet with Site Kit a is in the also another network connection to googletagmanager.com is established this time with the GA4 ID. Cookies are not set before consent.

And if there is value to adding autocomplete="off" to the password field, is that value more than the cost of breaking the password manager for majority of mobile users? iOS Safari still looks to be around >50% of mobile browser share.

I assumed that since both browsers are based on WebKit, that this feature would crossover, or whatnot... I guess I'm wondering if any of the Google Chrome "nerd" stuff, especially the "task manager" is available for Safari.. either natively, or via extensions??

I am facing a weird issue with the html video tag not displaying video only in safari and its loading as expected in all other browsers. Another weird issue is that i am seeing this issue only in production but not in dev or stage. If anyone knows if there is any config that needs to be changed or a way this can be handled would be of great help.

Apologies if this subject has been covered elsewhere I cannot change my homepage in safari due I believe to this _pg=5703469C-F0AD-5A56-9FD1-89D654CD6395&affid=A02OB_ext_bsf&type=t I have tried to remove without success, any advice would be appreciated. I have a MacBook pro laptop. Thanks in advance for any help you could offer.

I assume no one has cracked this yet? I was hoping to open multiple pages by default for every safari startup, but it doesn't seem possible through Jamf. Currently using a custom schema to push out 1 homepage.

When you enter Preview mode in the Google Tag Manager UI, GTM actually sends you to the googletagmanager.com domain, where a first-party cookie is set in your browser with an authentication token and details about the container version to be previewed. Then, when you visit your site and fetch the gtm.js container from the same domain, the cookie originally set on googletagmanager.com is now used in a third-party context to serve you the correct, draft container file.

Now, browser to your container in the GTM UI, and click the PREVIEW button. Contrary to how the other browsers work, you will be taken to a page on the googletagmanager.com domain, where you will now explicitly need to click that START PREVIEW button.

Safari browser offers an intuitive feature to fill and save passwords automatically. Convenience and intuitiveness are the factors of a high usage rate. Yet, this built-in password manager does not ensure the same level of password security as dedicated password managers.

Although Safari password manager is a relatively secure tool, it still lacks some crucial features for ultimate data safety. Browsers are focused on convenience. That means it will fill in your passwords automatically, as long as your browser is opened.

Besides, Safari password manager does not support many formats of sensitive information: secret notes and credit or address cards. Also, you cannot store passwords from applications that do not have a website.

Last, browser password managers such as Safari do not support cross-platform and cross-device usage. Therefore, you cannot access passwords saved on Safari from your Windows-based work computer. Access to your sensitive information is always limited to the device and platform you use.

I feel so incredibly privileged to be able to play witness to the wonders of this awe-inspiring wilderness each day. However, being able to share these experiences with others may just be the most rewarding feeling of them all. Whether it is with other members of the Londolozi family, guests who have previous safari experience or guests who are coming to experience the magic of being on safari for the first time, each experience is equally as wholesome. Being able to share these experiences with like-minded people continuously reminds me of why I fell in love with the bush in the first place. It is a privilege to see the profound impact that these experiences can have on people who leave Londolozi feeling richer with unforgettable lifelong memories.

I find myself incredibly grateful knowing that my younger self is feeling extremely proud as he smiles at the fact that I am now living out my childhood dream, being able to share it with people from all around the world and loving every second of it. I look forward to being able to share these feelings and the magical experience of safari with you when you next visit Londolozi.

Congratulations Reece on realizing your dream of becoming a member of the guiding staff at Londolozi. I would imagine that spending a year+ as a camp manager provided valuable experience as you began your journey to becoming a guide. As a manager, you had the opportunity to interact with guests before and after their drives, listening to their stories and experiences that presented insights to the relationships with their guides and trackers. Knowledge of the bush is essential, but guest relationships are paramount in the hospitality sector, so continue to grow, learn and most of all, have fun!

I have been trying to access hubspot CRM and sales for the past two days. Hubspot will not respond on safari. It just freezes and displays the apple loading icon. I am able to access hubspot using a different browser but would like to know what I can do to continue using this app on safari, as I use this browser I use for all other work related internet searches, tasks and such.

If you're tired of the constant "save this password" popup from Safari or concerned about the security and privacy risks of its built-in password manager, this article is for you. We'll guide you through the quick steps to disable it and explore better alternatives.

The main reasons to disable Safari's built-in password manager are security and compatibility. By storing and syncing passwords within your Apple account, you run the risk of a cybercriminal gaining access and compromising all your other accounts. And if you use non-Apple devices, and thus need a different solution to manage passwords there, you're left managing the security of multiple fronts. Disabling Safari's password manager minimizes this vulnerability.

Instead, we recommend using a dedicated third-party password manager. These applications offer stronger security features, compatibility across multiple platforms, and additional functionalities like customizable password generators and secure sharing. By disabling Safari's password manager, you can exclusively rely on your preferred third-party solution for efficient password management.

By following the steps to disable Safari's password manager and switching to a trusted third-party alternative, you can enjoy improved security and a more personalized password management experience. Say goodbye to the constant popups and ensure your passwords are in safe hands.

The Safari password manager is closely connected to Apple's iCloud Keychain, which we've written about here. When Safari offers to save a password, it saves it to Keychain; you can choose whether to sync that data between devices, however.

If you're fully committed to the Apple ecosystem - that is, you own iPhones, iPads, Macbooks, and pretty much only use Safari - then using the iCloud keychain is convenient and relatively safe. If you have non-Apple devices or use other browsers, then using Safari's password manager is probably just a security hazard. It's one more place where your passwords are stored, and if someone gains access to your device password, they can view all the passwords you have saved in Safari.

Additionally, the Safari password manager won't cut it if you need to share passwords with colleagues or family members. While you can airdrop passwords to Apple devices, this is a bit clunky and limiting.

Most people are better off with a dedicated third-party password manager that works on all your devices and browsers, protects your data with advanced encryption and 2FA, and offers additional features like secure sharing.

Using a dedicated password manager like TeamPassword adds an extra layer of protection. It requires a separate "master" password for login and automatically locks your passwords after a specific time. While not as convenient as Safari's built-in features, password managers offer significantly enhanced security. 0852c4b9a8

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