PhD Thesis
Ongoing research

Traffic Flow Modeling and Control of Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams for Low-Altitude Air City Transport

Yazan Safadi

Advisors: Prof. Jack Haddad (Technion), Prof. Nikolas Geroliminis (EPFL)


Low-altitude aircraft is being developed as a new mode of urban transport; consequently, the penetration of low-altitude passenger and delivery aircraft into the urban airspace is inevitable in the near future. This will give rise to new urban air transport systems, called low-altitude air city transport (LAAT) systems. LAAT systems will include aircraft transferring passengers and goods in urban areas, leading to a new era of urban air mobility. 
Given the main operational differences between conventional airplane and LAAT systems, future aircraft cannot be managed by the current aircraft management schemes, which are mainly operated by human and limited by large safety concerns. The new urban traffic management system will require advanced technology and communication systems, and most importantly they need to be managed and operate optimally. Hence, the main research goal is to develop traffic flow and feedback control theories for LAAT systems.
Inspired by controlled urban road networks, the research aims to enhance the modeling of Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) for LAAT systems and to develop a collective and aggregate aircraft traffic flow model. Then based on the developed model, the next steps are to analyze different control structures and to develop different control policies motivated by a feedback flow control approach to manage and control the traffic flow in the airspace more efficiently. 

*Part of the LAAT-Flow Project.

Research Development

A modular tool designed to model, analyze, and optimize air mobility scenarios. Integrating MATLAB, CesiumJS, NodeJS, Express, React, and more, this web-based application simplifies user input for simulation settings and presents results in a realistic airspace environment. The simulation tool offers a comprehensive exploration of low-altitude aircraft behavior in the airspace by deploying a novel modeling framework, paving the way for innovative solutions in the future of air mobility.

Research Outcomes

Safadi Y., Granot A., Haddad J., (2024), Exploring Energy Consumption for Low-Altitude Air City Transport Systems: A Traffic Flow and Control Perspective.

TRBAM 2024: Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA.

Safadi Y., Fu R., Quan Q., Haddad J., (2023), Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams for Low-Altitude Air City Transport.

Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 

2023 American Control Conference (ACC), San Diego, CA, USA, 2023, pp. 4393-4398,

Haddad J., Zehavi R., Safadi Y., Zameret T., Granot A., (2023), Towards a Comprehensive Simulation Tool for Urban Air Mobility.

The Israeli Smart Transportation Research Center (ISTRC) Call for White Paper for Required Research Infrastructures 2021/2022.

GSC 2023: The Annual Workshop of Graduate Students in Systems & Control, BGU, IL. (Supervisors: Jack Haddad and Nikolas Geroliminis).

Safadi Y., Geroliminis N., Haddad J., (2023). Traffic Demand Management for Low Altitude Air City Transport based on Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram.

TRBAM 2023: Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA.

Safadi Y., Haddad J., Geroliminis N., (2022). Traffic Flow Modeling and Control of Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams for Low-Altitude Air City Transport.

STRC 2022: The Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, CH.

Safadi Y., Fu R., Quan Q., Haddad J., (2022). Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams for Low-Altitude Air City Transport.

Safadi Y., Fu R., Quan Q., Haddad J., (2022), Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams for Low-Altitude Air City Transport

hEART 2022: The 10th symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Leuven, BL.

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