
Courses Thought:

- Structural Geology, Tectonics (Zanjan University, Iran) - 2008-2010

- Tectonics (Zanjan University, Iran) - 2008-2010

- Applied structural geology (Kharazmi University, Iran) - 2010-2011

- Tectonics (Kharazmi University, Iran) - 2010-2011

- Seismotectonics (Kharazmi University, Iran) - 2010-2011

- Geology (Tehran University, Faculty of Engineering, Fuman Branch)- 2012

- Structural Geology for Petroleum Engineering (Tehran University, Faculty of Engineering)- 2012

- Geotectonics (Tarbiat Modares university, Iran) - 2014-Present

- Morphotectonic, (Tarbiat Modares university, Iran) - 2014- Present

- Collision Tectonics (Tarbiat Modares university, Iran) - 2014- Present

- Tectonic and sedimentation (Tarbiat Modares university, Iran) - 2016- Present

- Tectonic of Iran (Tarbiat Modares university, Iran) - 2016- Present

- Applied structural geology (Tarbiat Modares university, Iran) - 2015- Present

- Tectonic and Mineralization (Tarbiat Modares university, Iran) - 2017- Present

- Basic methods of Geo-thermochronology (Tarbiat Modares university, Iran) - 2014- Present