Saeed Madanipour

Saeed Madanipour

Associate Professor

Ph.D T.M.U. 2013

Research Interest:

Saeed`s research interests lie primarily in the understanding of the geodynamic and kinematic evolution of mountain ranges. His methods include structurally based field studies (Structural geometry and kinematic analysis), through the creation of new geologic maps which expand to the creation and restoration of cross-sections as well as mineral cooling ages to determine the distribution, magnitude, and rate of deformation. His research currently focused on the Iranian Plateaus margins including the Talesh, Alborz, Kopeh-Dagh, East Iranian Ranges, Makran, and the Zagros Mountains. 

Field of study:

Structural Geology, Geodynamics, Tectonics and thermochronology

Education and Degrees: 

2005- Geology (Zanjan University, Iran) 

2009- M.Sc. Geology-Structural Geology (Tarbiat Modares University, Iran) 

2013- Ph.D. Geology - Structural Geology, Geodynamics, Low Temperature Thermochronometry (Tarbiat Modares University, Iran- Earth System Dynamic Group of Tübingen University, Germany) 


Telephone: +98-21-82884771

Mobile: +98 912 563 5250

 Fax: +98-21- 88009730 


Mailing Address:

Faculty of Basic Sciences Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran,  P. O. Box: 14115-175