About me

My Personal Skills

  • High Problem-solving ability

  • Co-operative and keen learner

  • Great teamworking

  • Verbal and communication skills

  • Self Motivated and highly Enthusiast

My Software Skills

  • Python, BigQuery, SQL,Scala

  • Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, Mode Analytics

  • Data Science and Machine Learning libraries:pandas,numpy,matplotlib,sciit-learn, KNN,ANN etc

  • Computer Vision : CNN, Pytorch, yolo, RCNN, Tensorflow, keras

  • NLP: nltk, Gensim, spacy, Textblob

  • Web Scraping: Selenium, Scrapy, Beautifulsoup

  • DataBase Architecture Designing : ERD, Lucid chart, dbdesigner

  • Docker, Kubernetes, GIT

  • Html,CSS, Express,Sharp

  • Solidworks, MATLAB

  • MS Office (excel, word, power point etc)

My Favorite Books

My Favorite movies