This makes the extension almost unusable for me since it's used not just for passwords, but also used for autofill. Why should 1Password stop working every time chrome has an update? It doesn't make a lot of sense.

If someone can replace my chrome binary without me noticing or otherwise inject code, for my purposes, they might as well have access to my 1Password (and I'll probably sign in anyway). I understand this being the default but please make it configurable.

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Hey @Joy_1P.

I don't have any pending updates to chrome, 1password extension or 1password desktop application. And it still saying that Chrome has pending updates and I need to restart it. Every time.

Hey guys,

i have always used both 1password and google passwordmanager at the same time. Prior to Version 8, this was apparently possible without any major hassle. 

I had to update to version 8 in the last months and i found myself completely neglecting 1password due to the fact that i would have to use it exclusively for everything, which simply does not work for me and my workflow. 

(This is a dicussion for another topic, but for me personally, 1password is far inferior to googles password manager in terms of seamless integration to chrome+android as well as HTTP logins. However 1password is king in terms of keeping things tidy and organized)

It is hard on the phone to get access to all info on 1password since I have no icon, no tool thing for 1password showing on my Chrome browser. Chrome doesn't provide extensions any more for mobile phones. I even added a Kiwi browser and added the 1 password extension but it won't add onto Chrome.

From my understanding of the logs: it tries to do a bunch of stuff with the desktop app - which I obviously have not installed. The login call itself succeeds (see last line of log), but then for whatever other failures the extension does not come up. So I'm stuck with typing my PW over and over again. The only thing that works for me atm is visiting and login there. Then I manually copy-paste all the logins, pws and mfa tokens. That is one hell of a workflow..

Then I went to my Android smartphone and tried logging in to the Microsoft account in chrome - anything except push notification and password isn't offered, so I assume passkeys is only supported for the desktop currently.

I have the identical problem as @oxalate. Went through the same process twice to be sure and got two 1password passkeys showing in the account, although only one seems to be stored in 1password, but never had the 1password passkey sign-in prompt. Tried installing windows 11 1password beta program in case it was related to having beta and non-beta code on the same machine.

I also couldn't get Chrome to give me the option to log in with a Passkey if I hadn't created the passkey in that particular instance of Chrome. The fix I found (through another post here) is to copy/paste "chrome://flags/#enable-debug-for-secure-payment-confirmation" into the address bar of Chrome, and then disable the feature that comes up.

Since installing 8 and the corresponding chrome extension, I cannot get autofill to work. I dont want 1Password to autofill anything. When I need a password, I click on the extension icon, login & retrieve what I need (passwords).

I use 1password for passwords, but I rely on Chrome for storing credit cards. The 1Password X extension is great, but it prevents chrome from auto-filling in credit card information. There is a setting for this in chrome but it is explicitly disabled (and says this extension is controlling the setting).

The reason for me is very simple.

I ALREADY have all my credit card entered in Google Wallet and I see no reason to duplicate this precious data repository.

It NEEDS to be in Google Wallet. It really doesn't need to be in 1password.

It would be nice to have the ability to select to only save passwords (as the name implies) or to add other things (which can be turned on-off such as payment information (credit cards and address).... all this WITHOUT having to turn off making 1password the default password manager. I left lastpass for 1password but even they have this part working ok.

ag_yaron, I feel like you haven't read my comment.

Google chrome / wallet already has my credit card info in order to use Android Pay in the Google ecosystem.

You claim that 1password is more secure than Google Wallet. Please substantiate this assertion.

Furthermore, I am not asking to turn off 1password but simply to have the ability to enable / disable certain sections of auto-fill so it continues to fill passwords (and whatever else I enabled) and leaves Chrome to fill credit card info.

It would be great to separate this functionality (credit cards) from passwords such that we could say 1password should be the default for passwords but not credit cards, and vice versa. I'm in the same boat as the OP - I like having all of my CC info in Google/Chrome as opposed to 1password, but I prefer 1password for all of my passwords and account info.

These steps:

1. Right-click 1Password's icon in Chrome's toolbar and click Settings.

2. Under "General" turn off the "make 1Password the default password manager" option.

3. Paste the following into Chrome's address bar: chrome://settings/autofill

4. Click Payment methods and allow Chrome to autofill.

I appreciate you saying that 1password is a one-stop shop for credentials, unfortunately it's not as convenient as using chrome to pre-fill credit card information. It sounds like everyone in this thread knows what they're doing, so rather than trying to shill your own product, consider that users have valid reasons for different use cases.

Very interesting, I've noticed that on one of my laptops in the chrome settings that I am able to change the settings as you have suggested. However on a second laptop (interestingly running the same version of chrome, I need to double check 1password versions), it does not work.

Just adding my vote to this as well.

The work-around works, but gives double pop-ups on the login fields, one from Chrome and one from 1password.

Since I use mobile/wireless payments a lot, my info needs to be in the Google wallet anyway, so I would like them to manage payments. I would like to use 1password for everything else. Maybe an advanced option we can enable in the future to make this happen?

I signed up for a 1password trial; I'm debating switching from lastpass and I definitely found this a bit jarring.

I surmised my credit cards going missing was likely due to 1password, but I don't really look forward to explaining this to other family members; I'd really rather there was just a setting to turn off credit card autofill (for all devices).

I'm also skeptical of the claim that 1password is "much more secure" than browser autofill - that may have been true in the past but I don't think it is now, especially with cards stored in Google Pay - do you have evidence to substantiate that?

+1 for separating the addresses autofill, OUT of 1P. 

credit cards make perfect sense to come from 1P (one source), but my family's list of frequent addresses, do not. and somehow chrome engine address autofill works better. Address'sarent private. they are long since public. thx.

I just purchased and installed 1Password a few days ago, and was astonished that I was not able to easily turn off its autofill payments feature, And my problem with @Goldfinger's workaround is that there is no 1password icon on my toolbar. I have the extension installed, but there is no icon for me to click on. I'm still in my 14 day trial period, so if I can't figure this out, then I have to discontinue 1Password. (Also, it's a little annoying to read this thread and to see folks repeatedly lectured that 1Password knows best how to manage your passwords and payments, sort of implying that we should just get used to it.) Until 1Password provides as convenient a solution for payments as Chrome does, I will choose Chrome. And if that means I have to use a password manager other than 1Password, so be it.

@Goldfinger, thank you for at least understanding the problem people have with this, and for providing a workaround. Can you help me find this missing icon?

I experience this as well starting a week or so ago. very very annoying. The problem comes back after a while, and every time you need a password in the chrome extension its slow. I have a setup where I use the same keyfile from inside a virtual machine and on the host (osx on the host and windows on the guest). Both of the systems have the same problems with the chrome mini extension.

In the past when I log in to a website in chrome and i am in user field it has an option on the bottom to click for 1 password. Nothing there now. I have to leave chrome and then go back to chrome and it suddenly appears. Seems odd.

Add a bit more, I used to on my ipad in chrome when prompted for a password click on the bottom of the screen for passwords but that area doesn't show anything......until.......I leave chrome and come back in to it. the second I do that the password click at the bottom appears. Not sure if it is a setting or just an update that has caused this to be a pain. As long as I leave chrome and come back it works everytime.

I've added the chrome browser extension to both chrome profiles, however when trying to sign into my 1pass accounts in the extension settings of my second chrome profile, I am unable to. I believe this is because I'm already logged into my 1pass accounts with the desktop app and my other chrome profile and so the chrome extension in my second chrome profile is somehow confused. Is this a known issue or am I missing something?

Profile #2 (default):

Browser didn't find the item, no suggestions even when I clicked the 1password icon.

When I opened the search on the extension icon, I could find the item.

Another problem on the chrome profile #2 :

Two-factor authentication with one-time passwords. won't work even after changing any settings in the extension. So this never works on the profile #2. ff782bc1db

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