Program Overview

Mission Statement

The Natural Sciences Department supports the mission of the college in meeting the educational goals of students who are enrolled in college pre-professional or technical/allied health programs. It also supports those who are seeking to expand their science literacy or enhance their personal and professional development. The curricula include the traditional scientific knowledge base along with data and findings on modern discoveries. By accentuating the relevance of science in response to critical societal issues, students are taught how to apply theoretical knowledge to the real world. The faculty strives to establish an academic environment that includes application based instruction and laboratory facilities with the essential equipment that helps students to learn. Through structured classroom activities, students from different cultural experiences and academic preparations are challenged to think of science as a process that can best be learned through inquiry and experimentation. Students are encouraged to observe, explore, analyze, and think critically before developing conclusions. The department recognizes that the interaction between faculty and students is one of the most significant ingredients for student success. Therefore, access to the faculty is provided through small classes, regular posted office hours, scheduled academic advisement sessions, and discipline specific extracurricular activities.

Vision Statement

To empower our community for success by meeting the postsecondary learning needs of a diverse and globally-networked society. To help students achieve their full potential by preparing them to graduate, transfer, or enter the workforce with academic and technical competence, critical thinking skills, communication proficiency, leadership ability, civic responsibility, and global awareness. Purpose San Antonio College fulfills its mission by offering the following: Transfer education designed to provide students with the first two years of the bachelor's degree. General education courses in the liberal arts and sciences to support all college degree programs. Career preparation provided through a wide range of programs to prepare students for immediate employment. Developmental studies for students needing to bring their basic skills to a level appropriate for college work. Continuing education including a variety of training, licensure, and professional programs. Academic and student support services for all students, including those with special needs, that include comprehensive advising and monitoring, high-quality learning resources, and assessment, advising, counseling, tutoring, financial assistance, and social and cultural activities.