{ Published Work }

  • Alam, Sabriya Maryam (2020) "Navigating Numerous Video Data: User Interface Design for an On-Camera Video Analytics Engine," The Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research: Vol. 10, Article 10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7771/2158-4052.1447

  • Alam, Sabriya; Jimenez, Olivia; Taylor, Julia; and Jengelley, Dwaine (2020) "Unmanned and Autonomous Weapons Systems: Practices and Related Policy," Student Papers in Public Policy: Vol. 2 : Iss. 1, Article 7. Available at: https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/sppp/vol2/iss1/7

As an undergraduate student at Purdue University, I have directed my technical skills toward interdisciplinary research developing machine learning models to discover hidden patterns in complex data sets and harnessing them for actionable solutions. Through application-based machine learning, my work has aimed to address challenges in fields spanning disaster relief, public safety, healthcare, and national security.

Check out some of the projects I've been working on!

{ Research Experiences }

[January 2019] - [May 2019]

Data Analytics for Smart Cities with Professor Mohammed Jahanshahi

  • Explored Big Data, applications of deep reinforcement learning techniques, and image processing theory pertaining to artificial intelligence applications

  • Contributed to development of an augmented reality system for urban inspection and risk assessment, based on autonomous sensing and computer vision

  • Presented about potential applications of this system in urban development and disaster relief at the Purdue Spring 2019 Undergraduate Research Exposition

Sample images depth mapping earthquake damage, used to train AI system

[May 2019] - [August 2020]

Xroads Systems Exploration Lab with Professor Felix Lin

  • Explored development of efficient computer vision based applications as related to cloud based processing of camera footage for public safety applications

  • Contributed to the development of efficient video/image processing and streaming systems

  • Built a user interface and video query system through web development frameworks

  • Presented at Purdue Fall 2019 Undergraduate Research Conference and authored paper published in the Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research.

  • Citation: Alam, Sabriya Maryam (2020) "Navigating Numerous Video Data: User Interface Design for an On-Camera Video Analytics Engine," The Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research: Vol. 10, Article 10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7771/2158-4052.1447

  • Conference poster and link to paper are shown below

Poster presented at Purdue Fall 2019 Undergraduate Research Conference


[September 2019] - [Present]

Data Analytics for Personalized Smart Health with Professor Pengyi Shi

  • Purdue Discovery Park Undergraduate Research Internship

  • Developed interpretable machine learning predictive models to determine patients' risk of hospital readmission based on medical history and lifestyle factors

  • Presented work at Spring 2020 Undergraduate Research Conference, won second prize for work

  • Currently, I have a paper in progress with a set of improved models developed since then, and this paper is being targeted for publication in a medical journal.

[June 2020] - [August 2020]

Research and Development Intern @ Sandia National Laboratories

  • Developed a machine learning sensor signal processing system for autonomous hypersonic flight systems navigating GPS-compromised environments

{ Selected Supporting Coursework }


Electrical & Computer Engineering Fundamentals

Electronic Measurement Techniques

Electric & Magnetic Interactions

Digital Systems Design

Signals & Systems

Microprocessor Systems & Interfacing


Semiconductor Devices

Digital Integrated Circuit Analysis & Design (in progress)

Digital Systems Senior Design (in progress)


Advanced C Programming

Data Structures

Python for Data Science

Object Oriented Programming: C++ and Java

Computer Security

Compilers & Translational Systems Engineering

Artificial Intelligence

Natural Language Processing (in progress)

Generative Models (in progress)


Making Greater Lafayette Greater


Engineering Environmental Sustainability

Security: Technology & Society

Contemporary Political Problems: Sustainability Studies (in progress)

{ Teaching Assistant }

Honors Introduction to Innovation & the Physical Science of Engineering I and II [ Fall 2018 & Spring 2019 ]

Python for Data Science [ Spring 2020 ]