
Software for Approximation SA2023

Torino, Italy - February 8-10, 2023

The goal of SA2023 is to bring together researchers working in different fields of approximation and implementing algorithms using in particular the Matlab software, and other programming languages. 

Topics include but are not limited to: radial basis functions; subdivision schemes; kernel methods; meshless approximation and applications; frames; mathematical signal and image processing; computer aided design; approximation by sampling-type operators; time-frequency transforms; NURBS; wavelets; multi-resolution methods, polynomial and trigonometric approximation; quadrature and cubature formulas; numerical methods for integral equations; approximation algorithms for biological models; applications to AI and machine learning.

The workshop will be held in hybrid form: although it will be possible to participate online, attendance in person is strongly recommended.

The participation to the workshop is free of charge, but registration is required. Registration and abstract submission are now open (see Registration for details) until the 8th of January 2023.

The workshop is organized, in collaboration with MathWorks, within the activities of the network RITA (Rete ITaliana di Approssimazione), UMI–TAA working group (Unione Matematica Italiana – Gruppo di lavoro Teoria dell'Approssimazione e Applicazioni). 

Confirmed Speakers

Organizing Committee

Scientific Committee


The workshop is supported by the GNCS-INdAM and the Department of Mathematics "Giuseppe Peano" of the University of Torino.


For any further information, send an email to

Previous Editions

Department of Mathematics "Giuseppe Peano"


Research ITalian network on Approximation

Working Group

 Approximation Theory and Applications