Park Rangers Hub

Welcome to the Team!

We'd like to send you a warm welcome to the team! Or say hello! if you're considering joining us so please use the drop downs above to access some useful information for you! Below are a few FAQs to help you get the answers you need!


What do Park Rangers Do?

Our main role is about keeping people and animals safe. There are a few things we as Park Rangers do to help us achieve that, this includes:

  • Processing Hunting permits and checks,

  • Checking on Hunters who are actively hunting ensuring they're following the Hunting TOS,

  • Patrolling National Parks and Hunting spots,

  • Patrolling the water and fishing areas and ensure that no one is illegally fishing.

  • Welfare checks on Hunters/Rangers,

  • Responding to dispatches and assisting NHS/Police in searching and rescuing people who are lost in the wild,

What happens next?

You will join as a Trainee Ranger for between 7-14 days depending on how much we see and get to know you, at that stage we will then review if you're ready to be promoted to a full ranger! Once you're a full ranger you can join the SP unit (More HERE) If you have anymore quesitons, don't be afraid to ask, we're here to help!

My application has been declined - Why?

There is a few reasons for why your application might be denied it will be either be due not enough details/effort shown within your app or a failed PNC check as you must have 0 knife charges within the last 3 months and 0 gun charges within the last 6 months! You can always reply to the person who declined you to confirm why, if you're unsure. You can always reapply with more details or wait till you reach the 3/6 months requirement.

Can I be a Park Ranger and do other jobs?

We have no issues with people being Police/G6/NHS or anything else just check your current line manager has no issues with it!

What if I have more questions?

If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact us via dispatches in game :)