News/Updates & Media Coverage


July/Aug 2023: Tipping Bucket Dual Rain Gauge has been deployed at the Reese Technology Center of Texas Tech University. Some pictures of installation. 

July 2023: Tipping Bucket Dual Rain Gauges arrived aTexas Tech from NASA GSFC. 

July 2023: High-School students and international scholars visiting TTU-facilities. S3-MAAP researchers the instruments and data collection efforts during their visit. The program was organized by the SHE SPACE and STEM CORE. Link here

June 2023: An excellent moment to celebrate for the S3-MAAP team as the Cimel data (Level 1 AOD measurements) being collected at the Texas Site being archived on real time through the NASA GSFC page 

June 2023: AERONET Site at Tech started CIMEL measurements of aerosol optical depths on June 15, 2023. Graduate Student Hassanpreet Dhaliwal confirmed the collection of high-quality AOD measurements over an arid region site in West Texas. 

May 2023: A research scholar (Ms. Diya Das) will be joining the Boundary Layer Meteorology Group in Fall 2023.  Link here.

Apr/May 2023: Outreach and Education: Within the efforts of STEM CORE and another TTU DEI initiative, PI Pal was invited to present the research project to middle school and high school students in Lubbock in May 2023 (two meetings). 

Mar/Apr 2023: TTU Graduate Student Hassanpreet Dhaliwal presenting the S3-MAAP project at the 22nd Annual Graduate Student Research Poster Competition at the TTU Student Union Building. Link here

Mar 2023: A news article got out covering the key story of the project S3-MAAP. The story appeared in Texas Tech Today. Link here. 

Jan 2023: Graduate Student Hassanpreet Dhaliwal joined in January 2023 and has been already very much involved in research work