
 Algebra 2, 2024-2

The course is every Tuesday-Thursday at 10 AM (Rio de Janeiro local time). To register, please go through the GoogleClasroom with the code   3emku3t

Homological Algebra, 2024-1

The course is every Monday-Wednesday at 10 AM (Rio de Janeiro local time). To register, please go through the GoogleClasroom with the code   https://classroom.google.com/c/NjcxMDkzNjYyNzYz?cjc=wbdte43

 The content of this course is based on the book of JJ. Rotman, Int. Homological algebra

Algebraic Geometry II, 2023-2

The course is every Tuesday-Thursday at 8 AM (Rio de Janeiro local time). To register, please go through the GoogleClasroom with the code    jmohxsa

 The content of this course is more and less the same as the one I presented in 2021-2.

Introdução à Geometria Algébrica (Mesterado) (Topicos de Algebra I) 2022-2

The course is every Tuesday-Thursday at 10 AM (Rio de Janeiro local time). To register, please go through the GoogleClasroom with the code    6rut4sm

 The course is in Portuguese  and is based on the following references: 

Ring Theory (Teoria de Aneis) 2022-1

The course is every Wednesday-Friday at 10 AM (Rio de Janeiro local time). To register, please go through the GoogleClasroom with the code 

 The course is in Portuguese  and is based on the following references: 56wrphb

Homological Algebra, 2022-1

The course is every Wednesday-Friday at 8 AM (Rio de Janeiro local time). To register, please go through the GoogleClasroom with the code inu3ccc

 The course is in Portuguese  and is based on the following references:

Algebraic Geometry II, 2021-2

The course is organized every Tuesday-Thursday at 10AM (Rio de Janeiro local time). To register, one goes through the GoogleClasroom with the code aljw5po

 The course is in Portuguese  and it is based on the following sources:

Algebra I 2021-1

Este curso é principalmente o mesmo material que eu ensinei em 2020-4 PLE Algebra I. Porem em cada terça-feira as 10h e as 13 h eu vou fazer uma revisão dos videos de 2020-4 PLE Algebra I.  

Algebra III 2020-2

Este curso será apresentado online. Esta aula de Álgebra III será ministrada na plataforma Google Classroom. O código da classe é: ptnbc63

Para ingressar na sala entre no Classroom (https://classroom.google.com/), clique no símbolo + no canto superior direto,  escolha "Participar da Turma" e insira o código: ptnbc63

Aulas serão realizadas nas Terça e Quinta as 10-12h.

Aspectos Recentes  2020-2

Este Curso   é "Triangulo de Algebra,Geometria e Combinatoria".

Neste curso vamos estudar  a ralçao entre Algebra Comutativa, Geometria Algebrica e Combinatoria. 

O conteudo sera 

O fecho inteiro dos ideais, O core de um ideal, teoria de mapas racionais, ideal de grafos, conjetura de Kawamata.


1. Swanson, C. Huneke, Integral Closure, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 336.

2.June Huh,  Milnor numbers of projective hypersurfaces and the chromatic polynomial of graphs, Journal of the American Mathematical Society 25 (2012), 907–927.

3. Hyry  E; Smith, K. On a non-vanishing conjecture of Kawamata and the core of an ideal. American Journal of Mathematics, 125, 1349 - 1410, 2003. 

Mais comunicações neste curso serão organizadas pelo google classroom:

O codigo de class é: 2gefd3t

As aulas serão ministradas pelo google meet com o link: https://meet.google.com/vdh-dbau-qer

2020-4 PLE: Algebra I

Descrição do Curso

Por causa do problema inesperado de covid19 em 2020-1. Esta disciplina sera presentada num periodo excepcional que se chama PLE. Esta turma de Algebra I, vai ser realizada na plataforma Google Classroom. 

O Código de classe é: obswgey

Para ingressar na sala entre no Classroom (https://classroom.google.com/), clique no símbolo + no canto superior direto,  escolha "Participar da Turma" e insira o código: obswgey

Os Alunos precisam de se inscrever no curso Álgebra I / Números Inteiros (MAC) ou AAlgebra 1.2020.PLE  no site AVA de UFRJ


2020-1: Algebra I

Descrição do Curso

Álgebra I é um curso fundamental para quem quer aprender matemática pura. 

Conteúdo :



2020-1 Topics in Commutative Algebra

Course description: 

This is the second course in Commutative Algebra. The first part of this course is based on the Section 3 of the book "Cohen-Macaulay rings" by W. Bruns and J. Herzog. We then study the algebraic theory of Local Cohomology and move to the book of D. Eisenbud "The Geometry of Syzygy".





4.The fourth session will be on June 30th, at 3PM, via Zoom:


5. Fifth session was hold on 02/07/2020. Here is the video of the class: Modulos  Injetivos.

6. Sixth session was hold on 07/07/2020. Here is the video of the class: Sequencia Spectral de Foxby.

7. Seventh session was hold on 09/07/2020. Here is the video of the class: Numeros de Bass. 

8. Eighth session was hold on 14/07/2020. Here is the video of the class: Exercicios $10 BS.

9. Ninth session was hold on 16/07/2020. Here is the video of the class: Cohomologia local e  r(S)=1 sss Gor.

10. Tenth session was hold on 21/07/2020. Here is the video of the class: Functor D(-)=Hom(-,E) 

11. Eleventh session was hold on 23/07/2020. Here is the video of the class: Módulos Artinianos. 

12. Twelfth session was hold on 28/07/2020. Here is the video of the class: Dualidade de Matlis.

13. Thirteenth session was hold on 4/8/2020. Here and here are the videos of this class: A dualidade local para anéis que são quociente de anéis Gorenstein.

14. Fourteenth session was hold on 6/8/2020. Here is  the videos of this class: O módulo canônico se existir é único.

15. Fifteenth session was hold on 10/8/2020. Here is  the video of this class:  Ann(W_R)=u_R(0).

16. Sixteenth session was hold on 12/8/2020. Here and here  are the videos of this class: Ass(R^) versus Ass(R) and Supp(W).

17. Seventeenth session was hold on 17/8/2020. Here is the videos of this class: Dualidade Local via modulo canonico.

18.  Eighteenteenth session was hold on 19/8/2020. Here is the videos of this class: Hom(W,W).

19.  Nineteenteenth session was hold on 29/8/2020. Here is the videos of this class: D_B(R) ideal transform.

20. Twentieth session was hold on 05/09/2020. Here is the video of this class: S_2-ification.

21. Here is the class notes in Portuguese, part 1 and part 2.