
Residual Intersections: 

Historically, linkage (liaison) began in the nineteenth century as a tool to classify curves in projective spaces. The idea was to start with a curve, say in P^3, and look at its residual in a complete intersection. Since complete intersections are in some sense the simplest curves, it turns out that a lot of information can be carried over from a curve to its residual.

Liaison has been used very extensively in the literature as a means of studying curves (or higher dimensional varieties). Furthermore, beginning with the paper of Peskine and Szpiro 1970's, liaison has attracted a great deal of attention as a subject itself, rather than simply a tool to study projective varieties. Nowadays, there exist a considerable number of fields branching from linkage theory, including Deficiency Modules, Linkage of Modules, and Residual Intersections.

Below, you can find some of my works on this topic:

Rational Maps: 

Rational maps are among the central objects in Algebraic Geometry. From a commutative algebra point of view, a rational map F: X ⊆ P^n --->P^m is defined by m+1 forms f = f0,···fm, of the elements in the coordinate ring of X, of the same degree in n+1 variables not all vanishing. One of the most subtle problems in algebraic geometry is to decide when a rational map is birational which leads to birational classification of varieties. Cremona maps are special cases of birational maps which are among the most interesting objects in many lines of research.

Below, you can find some of my works on this topic:


Other Topics:

Commutative Algebra is a very active and vast field of research.  It has strong connections with other fields such as Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics, Topology,  and Statistics. 

Below, you can find some of my works on different topics


The computational approach in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry is an indispensable part of the research in the new era.

Here are some methods that I wrote during my research:

         1. Kitt(a,I)\subset J,   2.rad(Kitt(a,I))=rad(J), 3. If R is CM, J is an s-residual intersection and I satisfies SD1 then J=Kitt(a,I,) 4. 4. If R is CM, J is an s-residual intersection and s<ht(I)+2 then Kitt(a,I)=J 5. If R is CM , J is an s-residual intersection , I is weakly (s-2)-residually S2 and G_s then Kitt(a,I)=J [Tarasova]