
Subduction zone structure and seismicity

1)  Upper-plate conduits linked to plate boundary that hosts slow earthquakes 

Arai et al. (2023, Nature Communications)     Press release 1     Press release 2

This study presents we present high-resolution seismic velocity models and reflection images of the Hyuga-nada area, Japan, where the Kyushu-Palau ridge subducts. We image distinct kilometer-wide columns in the upper plate with reduced velocities that extend vertically from the seafloor down to 10–13 kmdepth.We interpret the low-velocity columns as damaged zones caused by seamount subduction and suggest that they serve as conduits, facilitating vertical fluid migration from the plate boundary. The lateral variation in upper-plate velocity and seismic reflectivity along the plate boundary correlates with the distribution of slow earthquakes, indicating that the upper-plate drainage system controls the complex pattern of seismic slip at subduction faults.

2)  Three-dimensional P wave velocity structure of the northern Hikurangi margin from the NZ3D experiment: Evidence for fault-bound anisotropy 

Arai et al. (2020, JGR Solid Earth)      Editors' Highlights     Eos article    Related article

This study presents a high‐resolution three‐dimensional (3‐D) anisotropic P wave velocity (Vp) model in the northern Hikurangi margin offshore Gisborne, New Zealand, constructed by tomographic inversion of over 430,000 first arrivals. The Vp model reveals an ~30‐km‐wide, low‐velocity accretionary wedge at the toe of the overriding plate, where previous seismic reflection studies show a series of active thrust faults branching from the plate interface. We find some locations with significant Vp azimuthal anisotropy >5% near the branching faults and the deformation front (Figures below). This finding suggests that the anisotropy is not ubiquitous and homogeneous within the overriding plate, but more localized in the vicinity of active thrust faults. The fast axes of Vp within the accretionary wedge are mostly oriented to the plate convergence direction, which is interpreted as preferentially oriented cracks in a compressional stress regime associated with plate subduction. We find that the magnitudes of anisotropy are roughly equivalent to values found at oceanic spreading centers, where the extensional stress regime is dominant and the crack density is expected to be higher than subduction zones. This consideration may indicate that additional effects such as fault foliation and clay mineral alignment also contribute to upper plate anisotropy along subduction margins.

3)   Structure of the tsunamigenic plate boundary and low-frequency earthquakes in the southern Ryukyu Trench

Arai et al. (2016, Nature Communications)   Press release     Japanese article for outreach

This study presents seismological evidence from marine observation for megathrust faults and low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) (Figure below). On the basis of passive observation we find LFEs occur at 15–18 km depths along the plate interface and their distribution seems to bridge the gap between the shallow tsunamigenic zone and the deep slow slip region. This suggests that the southern Ryukyu Trench is dominated by slow earthquakes at any depths and lacks a typical locked zone. The plate interface is overlaid by a low-velocity wedge and is accompanied by polarity reversals of seismic reflections, indicating fluids exist at various depths along the plate interface.

4Subduction of thick oceanic plateau and normal-fault earthquakes intersecting slab

Arai et al. (2017, Geophysical Research Letters

This study presents unexpected evidence for large normal-fault earthquakes intersecting the slab just ahead of a subducting seamount. In 1995, a series of earthquakes with maximum magnitude of 7.1 occurred in northern Ryukyu where oceanic plateaus are subducting. The aftershock distribution shows that conjugate faults with an unusually high dip angle of 70–80° ruptured the entire subducting crust. Seismic reflection images reveal that the plate interface is displaced over 1 km along one of the fault planes of the 1995 events. These results suggest that a lateral variation in slab buoyancy can produce sufficient differential stress leading to near-vertical normal-fault earthquakes within the slab. On the contrary, the upper surface of the seamount (plate interface) may correspond to a weakly coupled region, reflecting the dual effects of seamounts/plateaus on subduction earthquakes. 

Back-arc rifting System

1)  Crustal structure of the southern Okinawa Trough: Symmetrical rifting, submarine volcano, and potential mantle accretion in the continental back‐arc basin 

Arai et al. (2017, JGR Solid Earth)   

This study presents seismological evidence for structure of the southern Okinawa Trough, an active rift zone behind the Ryukyu subduction zone (figures below). We find that the southern Okinawa Trough exhibits an almost symmetric rift system across the rift axis (Yaeyama Rift) and that the sedimentary layers are highly cut by inward dipping normal faults. The rift structure also accompanies a narrow (2–7 km wide) on-axis intrusion resulted from passive upwelling of magma. On the other hand, an active submarine volcano is located ~10 km away from the rift axis. The P wave velocity (Vp) model derived from seismic refraction data suggests that the crust has been significantly thinned from the original ~25 km thick arc crust and the thinnest part with 12 km thickness occurs directly beneath the rift axis. The velocity model also reveals that there exists a thick layer with Vp of 6.5–7.2 km/s at lower crustal levels and may indicate that mantle materials accreted at the bottom of the crust during the crustal stretching. The abrupt crustal thinning and the velocity-depth profile suggest that the southern Okinawa Trough is at a transitional stage from continental rifting to seafloor spreading. 

2)   Seismic evidence for arc segmentation, active magmatic intrusions and syn-rift fault system in the northern Ryukyu volcanic arc

Arai et al. (2018, Earth Planets Space)  

This study presents MCS reflection data in the northern Ryukyu arcs. The reflection image reveals that beneath this topographic valley there exists a ~ 3-km-deep sedimentary basin atop the arc crust, suggesting that the arc segment boundary was formed by rapid and focused subsidence of the arc crust driven by the arc-parallel extension. Around the volcanic front, magmatic conduits represented by tubular transparent bodies in the reflection images are well developed within the shallow sediments and some of them are accompanied by small fragments of dipping seismic reflectors indicating intruded sills at their bottoms. The spatial distribution of the conduits may suggest that the arc volcanism has multiple active outlets on the seafloor which bifurcate at crustal depths and/or that the location of the volcanic front has been migrating trenchward over time. Further distant from the volcanic front toward the back-arc (> 30 km away), these volcanic features vanish, and alternatively wide rift basins become predominant where rapid transitions from normal-fault-dominant regions to strike-slip-fault-dominant regions occur. This spatial variation in faulting patterns indicates complex stress regimes associated with arc/back-arc rifting in the northern Okinawa Trough.