
Published and Forthcoming Papers:

2021, The Impact of Anti-Sweatshop Activisms on Employment, (slide) (journal), Review of Development Economics 25(2): 630-653.

2021, The Impact of Export Promotion with Matchmaking on Export and Service outsourcing  (slide) (journal), Review of International Economics 29(5): 1418-1450. (previously titled "Do Trade Fairs Promote Export?") 

                   Related article: RIETI in Japanese; RIETI in English; VoxEU;

                        RIETI2 in Japanese; RIETI2 in English; JEF 

                   Non-technical summary: in Japanese

2021, Trade-off between job losses and the spread of COVID-19 in Japan (with Kisho Hoshi, Hiroyuki Kasahara, Michio Suzuki, Satoshi Tanaka), Japanese Economic Review 72(4): 683-716.

2022, The Heterogeneous Effects of COVID-19 on Labor Markets: People's Movement and Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (slide) (journal) (with Kisho Hoshi, Hiroyuki Kasahara, Michio Suzuki, Satoshi Tanaka), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 63: 110-170.

   Non-technical summary: in Japanese

2023, Quantile Difference in Differences with Time-varying Qualification in Panel Data (journal) (with Karim Nchare), Journal of Econometric Methods, 12(1): 105-116.

Working Papers:

                  Non-technical summary: in Japanese

                  Non-technical summary: in Japanese

                  Non-technical summary: in Japanese; VoxEU

Work in Progress:

2020, Trade Agreements and Protectionism's Shadow: Evidence from Japan (with Leo Saenger)

Book Chapter:

2017, Chapter 10-B of Tackling Gender Inequality in the Western Hemisphere (with Anna Ivanova and Joyce Wong), in Women, Work, and Economic Growth: Leveling the Playing Field, edited by Kalpana Kochhar, Sonali Jain-Chandra, and Monique Newiak, International Monetary Fund

  (Original title of the paper: Female Labor Force Participation Puzzle: The Case of Costa Rica)


2020, Export Trade Fairs and Coronavirus, RIETI Policy Update

Dormant Working Papers: 

2017, The Impact of Rana Plaza Collapse on Global Retailers (with Laura Boudreau and Mari Tanaka)