Our Team

Questions? Connect with our team via ryle5370@gmail.com to learn more!


Our team is comprised of volunteers who have been selected & appropriately screened to be responsible and experienced mentors. Alongside planning RYLE 2024, they will assist with supervising campers, leading activities, and facilitating the leadership and personal development of campers.

The majority of camp counsellors were also past RYLE participants themselves; they've been there and done that!

Iqmat Iyiola

RYLE Chair

Melody Mahmoodi

Youth Advisor

Adam Akbar

Rotarian Advisor

Lesa Mueller

Youth Programs Chair

Chenoa Kaufman

Registration Coordinator

Nicole Anharo

Registration Coordinator

Natasha Larson

Volunteer Coordinator

Janisse Breitkreuz

Activities Coordinator

Dalyce Sheaves

Interact Liaison

Henil Patel

Outreach Coordinator

Zalak Khatri

Outreach Coordinator

Contact US!

Instagram: @ryle5370

Email: ryle5370@gmail.com