The Speakers


Leader of our amazing RYLA, Rachel gave many speeches throughout RYLA and always had the most enthusiasm out of everybody. 

 SC Serena

Serena talked to us about her RYLA experience and how it benefitted her throughout her life so far. She talked to us about how important positivity is in daily life and how you can really benefit from staying positive. 

SC Bri

Bri came up and gave a speech about how opening up and embracing their RYLA spirit can help you not just in RYLA but in many other aspects of life as well. 

SC Emma

Emma spoke to us on our third day where she talked about how she learned to agree to disagree without being disagreeable. This is very helpful for group projects when two members are not seeing eye to eye. 

Kiersten Kral

Kiersten spoke to us about her traumatic brain injury as a high school student and shared her story of recovery from PCS (Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms). She implemented some astounding lessons, like how important perspective is in life. Kiersten shared her recovery story about how she recovered from a major concussion when she was a senior in high school. 

SC Paige

Paige told us the valuable lesson of, "There is no one right leadership style." Every leadership style has something great to bring to the table and there isn't a "most effective style" to being a leader. She added to this, "Cars need many different parts, just like there needs to be many different leaders to be an effective group." To be a great leader, you have to embrace the way you lead and embrace your uniqueness. 


Reba was our "Born to Be" speaker on the fourth day of RYLA. She spoke to us about her growth and development as a person from the beginning of her childhood to the present day. She described her challenges over the years, but these adverse experiences blossomed her to becoming her own person. She talked about "Nature vs Nuture."

SC Maryn

Maryn was our last speaker here at RYLA during the preview of the day. She spoke about the RYLA experience changing her life and how these five days is something we should take with us forever. She expressed that here at RYLA is a chance to truly come out and be your true authentic self without any judgement. Maryn also said that as we go back to high school to take what we learned here and become the best selves we can be.