
The Olympics

All thirteen groups compete against each other in challenging events. Events include Race of Ball, Race of Egg, Crows and Seagulls, Who Am I?, Spot the Difference, Actionary, Hoop Hop Showdown, Pipes and Marbles, and the Scavenger Hunt

Square Dancing

On the first night at RYLA, The Walker Family came to Mount Saint Mary and taught all the conferees how to square dance! We did quite a few dances throughout the night. Everyone had a blast and was laughing and dancing all night. It was very tiring but everyone had a blast!

Ice Breakers

At RYLA, the conferees played many Icebreakers to get comfortable with each other. We all had a blast learning about one another and enjoyed learning each other's personalities during the icebreakers. This often resulted in amusing moments!

Invention Convention

The Invention Convention was a favorite activity among the many conferees at RYLA. We were divided into groups and given a bag of random supplies. Our challenge was to make a product with all the materials provided to us, including the trash bag the items came in. We had fifty-five minutes to build the invention with our group using the materials. Then, the conferees had to create an infomercial and a jingle for the product developed. Groups then all took turns presenting their products to the rest of RYLA. There were many laughs and lots of cheers all around. 

Team Dynamics

The second to last event of the day on Monday was Team Dynamics. In this activity, we were split into groups and given different roles we acted out. These roles simulated types of people found in all group settings. After we finished acting, we would come back together and discuss what happened and who we thought was the least helpful to the group. After doing so, we reflected on our role in what one fit us. 

Talent Show

The talent show was very entertaining and exciting. In this event, conferees performed various talents that they had. Talents displayed for the conferees ranged from Singing, Dancing, and even the world's loudest swallowing noise! Oh, and no one can forget about the variety of ducks ranging from Duck, Duck, Goose to even trying to sell one. 


Day 3 ended with an amazing event where all the conferees got the chance to show off their great dance moves! We danced to various amount of songs ranging from the Macarena to Party in the USA. We practiced our breathtaking dance moves like landing the plane, chopping down the tree and making soup taught to us by our very own Rachel Greene!

Rotarian Appreciation Time

Day 4 consisted of a packed schedule-activities including our Rotarian Appreciation time where our amazing media assistant Matt gave an amazing speech about the importance of Rotary. We wrote thank you cards to all of our rotary clubs that were able to sponsor all of the wonderful conferees attending!

Born To Be Speaker

Our wonderful Operations Assistant Reba gave the "Born To Be" speech this year. She taught us the importance of growing as individuals showing us how something you love can change how you grow. She also taught us the importance of support systems that bring you up instead of down.

Group Presentations

Amazing job to all groups here at RYLA! They all did such an amazing job with their projects and gave spectacular performances. We got to see Engineering, Chorus, Broadway, Hollywood, Music Video, and Dance!! 

My Two Cents

My Two Cents turned out to be an extremely fun activity where we all shared our opinions on many different subjects. Although some of the topics were controversial, it really helped us all get good discussions going and have a great time. 

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