
These photos shows Riverside Avenue looking East, as the road curves towards the Bridge to Winooski/the Winooski circle. There are now two lanes, with a recreational path on the left side and a sidewalk on the right. Further to the right are automotive and tire businesses and their respective parking lots. Slightly further ahead is a slight clearing of trees (where the large clearing was in the original picture) where the entrance to Salmon Hole is. Compared to the original picture there is now much more tree and vegetative growth along Riverside Ave. This is especially visible when looking at the hill behind the white garage. In this original photo it was a grassy hill with just a few trees, whereas it is now completely covered with mature trees.

New growth is made very apparent in this reshot. The parking lot looking into the parking lot of what is now Bluebird BBQ is now quite overgrown in-between the two. While the vegetation has changed the landscape (mainly the parking lot and road), they look very similar to the previous reshots. Compared to the original picture, the landscape is almost unnoticeable, as the large slide has since been refilled, and the land has been developed and built on. The surrounding area also has significantly more tree cover than in the original picture. While this reshot is less than helpful, the stark contrasts between the reshots and the original photo are great examples of how quickly landscapes can change as a result of human activity.