Teaching Information

Teaching Award - 2023 Christopher S. Allen Award for Teaching Excellence (University of Georgia)

Summary of Teaching Evaluations

Office: Baxter Hall 122, Wabash College

E-mail: liour@wabash.edu

Office Hours: Wednesday & Friday 9:00-11:00 am & other times by appointment or chance

Wabash College

Instructor of Record, Terrorism (Online, Summer 2024) 

Instructor of Record, Introduction to Comparative Politics (Spring 2024) Syllabus

Instructor of Record, Dictatorships (Spring 2024) Syllabus

Instructor of Record, Political Violence (Fall 2023) Syllabus

Instructor of Record, Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Senior Seminar (Co-teaching, Fall 2023)

University of Georgia

Instructor of Record, Violent Political Conflict (Spring 2023)

Instructor of Record, Terrorism (Spring 2023)

Instructor of Record, Special Topics in Comparative Politics: Dictatorships (Fall 2022)  

Teaching Assistant, Terrorism (Fall 2019)

Teaching Assistant and Breakout Session Instructor, Introduction to American Government (Spring 2019, Spring 2020)

Teaching Assistant, Introduction to International Relations (Fall 2018)

National Taiwan University

Teaching Assistant, Introduction to International Relations  

(Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014)