International Journals (Peer reviewed)
Toyokawa Y., Prasad P., Horikoshi I., Majumdar R. & Ogata H. (accepted) Supporting Program Comprehension with Data-Enhanced Active Reading. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 20, 039.
Hoppe U., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2024) Personalized Learning Environments -Core Concepts, Technologies and Practices. Information and Technology in Education and Learning. Volume 4 Issue 1 Pages Inv-p002
Li H., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2025) Self-Directed Extensive Reading with Social Support: Effect on Reading and Learning Performance of High and Low English Proficiency Students. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 20, 025.
Ogata H., Liang C., Toyokawa Y., Hsu C., Nakamura, K., Yamauchi, T., Flanagan, B., Dai, Y., Takami, K., Horikoshi I., Majumdar R. (2024) Co-designing Data-driven Educational Technology and Practice Reflections from the Japanese Context. Technology, Knowledge and Learning.
Hsu, C.-Y., Horikoshi, I., Li, H., Majumdar, R., & Ogata, H. (2025). Designing data-informed support for building learning habits in the Japanese K12 context. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 20, 014.
Nakamura, K., Horikoshi, I., Majumdar, R., & Ogata, H. (2025). Extract instructional process from xAPI log data: a case study in Japanese junior high school. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 20, 013.
Liang, C., Horikoshi, I., Majumdar, R., & Ogata, H. (2025). Rater behaviors in peer evaluation: Patterns and early detection with learner model. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 20, 012.
Ifenthaler, D., Majumdar, R., Gorissen, P., Judge, M., Mishra, S., Raffaghelli, J., & Shimada, A. (2024). Artificial intelligence in education: implications for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners. Technology, Knowledge and Learning.
Liang C., Horikoshi I., Majumdar R., Ogata, H. (2024) Data-Driven Support Infrastructure for Iterative Team-Based Learning. IEEE Access.
Gorham, T., Majumdar, R., Ogata, H. (2024) Learning analytics of peer feedback on communicative skills in an EFL course across different learning modalities. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 81 (101352),
Kuromiya, H., Majumdar, R., Horikoshi, I., & Ogata, H. (2024). Learning analytics for student homework activities during a long break: Evidence from K-12 education in Japan. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 19, 034.
Hsu, CY., Horikoshi, I., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2024) Extracting Stages of Learning Habits from Year-Long Self-Directed Extensive Reading Logs. in Educational Technology and Society, 27(3), 134-146.
Majumdar, R., Li, H., Yang, Y., & Ogata, H. (2024). GOAL - A data-rich environment to foster self-direction skills across learning and physical contexts. Educational Technology & Society, 27(3), 61-82.
Toyokawa Y., Horikoshi I., Majumdar R. & Ogata H. (2023) Challenges and opportunities of AI in inclusive education: a case study of data-enhanced active reading in Japan. in Smart Learning Environment. 10, 67 (2023).
Ogata H., Majumdar R., Flanagan B. (2023) Learning and Evidence Analytics Framework Bridges Research and Practice for Educational Data Science. Communications of the ACM, July 2023, Vol. 66 No. 7, Pages 72-74
Kuromiya H., Horikoshi I., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2023) Supporting Reflective Teaching Workflow Through Learning Analytics with Real-World Data. Information and Technology in Education and Learning (iTEL) 3(1) p.3-13
Liang C., Horikoshi I., Flanagan B., Majumdar R. & Ogata H. (2023)Towards predictable process and consequence attributes of data-driven group work: primary analysis for assisting teachers with automatic group formation. in Educational Technology and Society.
Liang C., Toyokawa Y., Horikoshi I., Majumdar R. & Ogata H. (2023) Group formation based on reading annotation data: system innovation and classroom practice. in Computers in Education.
Yang Y.Y., Li H., Majumdar R., Ogata. H. (2023) GOAL System for Online Self-direction Practice: Exploring Students' Behavioral Patterns and the Impact on Academic Achievement in the High School EFL Context. in Computers in Education.
Hsu, CY., Horikoshi, I., Li, H., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2023) Supporting “time awareness” in self-regulated learning: How do students allocate time during exam preparation? Smart Learning Environment 10, 21.
Gorham T., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2023) Analyzing Learner Profiles in a Microlearning App for Training Language Learning Peer Feedback Skills. Computers in Education.
Toyokawa Y., Majumdar R., Kondo T., Horikoshi I., Ogata H. (2023) Active Reading Dashboard in a Learning Analytics Enhanced Language Learning Environment. Computers in Education.
Ogata H., Majumdar R., Flanagan B. (2023) Learning in the Digital Age: Power of Shared Learning Logs to Support Sustainable Educational Practices. accepted in IEICE transactions on information and systems. Vol.E106-D,No.2,pp.-,Feb. 2023 DOI:10.1587/transinf.2022ETI0002
Ogata H., Li H., Majumdar R., Toyokawa Y., Takii K., Liang C. (2023) Towards Data and Evidence-driven Education in the Context of Language Teaching and Learning, JACET Selected Papers Vol.9, pp.15-46. (invited paper)
Liang C., Majumdar R., Nakamizo Y., Flanagan B. & Ogata H. (2022) Algorithmic group formation and group work evaluation in a learning analytics-enhanced environment: Implementation study in a Japanese Junior High School. Interactive Learning Environments
Yang Y.Y., Majumdar R., Li H., Flanagan B., Ogata. H. (2022) Design of a Learning Dashboard to Enhance Reading Outcomes and Self-directed Learning Behaviors in Out-of-class Extensive Reading. Interactive Learning Environments
Kannan V., Warriem J., Majumdar R. & Ogata H. (2022) Learning Dialogues orchestrated with BookRoll: Effects on Engagement and Learning in an Undergraduate Physics course. RPTEL 17, 28
Flanagan B., Majumdar R. & Ogata H. (2022) Early-warning prediction of student performance and engagement in open book assessment by reading behavior analysis. Int J Educ Technol High Educ 19, 41
Ogata H., Majumdar R., Flanagan B., Kuromiya H. (2022) Learning Analytics and Evidence-based K12 Education in Japan: Usage of Data-driven Services and Mobile Learning Across Two Years. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation
Ogata H., Majumdar R., Yang J.H.S., Warriem J.M. (2022) LEAF (Learning & Evidence Analytics Framework): Research and Practice in International Collaboration. Information and Technology in Education and Learning
Flanagan B., Majumdar R., & Ogata H. (2022). Fine Grain Synthetic Educational Data: Challenges and Limitations of Collaborative Learning Analytics. IEEE Access.
Kuromiya H., Majumdar R., Miyabe G. & Ogata H. (2022) E-book-based learning activity during COVID-19: engagement behaviors and perceptions of Japanese junior-high school students. RPTEL 17, 12 (2022).
Majumdar R., Bakilapadavu G., Majumder R., Chen M. R. A., Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2021) Learning analytics of humanities course: reader profiles in critical reading activity. RPTEL 16, 25.
Yang Y.Y., Majumdar R., Li H., Akçpinar G., Flanagan B.; Ogata H. (2021) A Framework to Foster Analysis Skill for Self-directed Activities in Data-rich Environment. RPTEL 16, 22.
Li H., Majumdar R., Chen M.R.A. and Ogata H. (2021) Goal-Oriented Active Learning (GOAL) System to Promote Reading Engagement, Self-Directed Learning Behavior, and Motivation in Extensive Reading. Computers and Education.
Li H., Majumdar R., Yang Y.Y., Chen M.R.A. and Ogata H. (2021) Analysis of Self-Directed Learning Ability, Reading Outcomes, and Personalized Planning Behavior for Self-Directed Extensive Reading. Interactive Learning Environments.
Majumdar R., Flanagan B., Ogata H. (2021) E-book technology facilitating university education during COVID-19: the Japanese experience. in Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology. Vol. 47, No. 4
Liang C., Majumdar R., & Ogata H. (2021) Learning Log-based Automatic Group Formation: System Design and Classroom Implementation Study, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning. 16:14
Chen MRA, Hwang G, Majumdar R., Toyokawa Y. & Ogata H. (2021) Research trends in the use of E-books in English as a foreign language (EFL) education from 2011 to 2020: a bibliometric and content analysis, Interactive Learning Environments,
Abou-Khalil, V.; Helou, S.; Khalifé, E.; Chen, M.A.; Majumdar, R.; Ogata, H. (2021) Emergency Online Learning in Low-Resource Settings: Effective Student Engagement Strategies. in Educational Sciences 11(1), 24.
Kuromiya H., Majumdar R., & Ogata H. (2020) Fostering Evidence-Based Education with Learning Analytics: Capturing Evidence from Teaching-Learning Logs. in Educational Technology & Society, 23 (4), 14–29.
Kannan V., Kuromiya H., Sai Preeti G., Majumdar R., Warriem J., & Ogata H. (2020) Flip & Pair – A Strategy to Augment a Blended Course with Active-learning Components: Effects on Engagement and Learning. in Smart Learning Environments. 7(34)
Akçapınar G., Hasnine N.M., Majumdar R., Flanagan B., Ogata H. Developing an Early-Warning System for Spotting At-Risk Students by using eBook Interaction Logs. Smart Learning Environments (2019) Vol.6, No.4, pp.1-15
Majumdar R., Iyer S. (2016) iSAT: A Visual Learning Analytics Tool for Instructors Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 11:16
Majumdar R., Singh N., Rathore J.S. & Sharma N.N. (2013) In Search of Materials for Artificial Flagella of Nanoswimmers Springer Journal of Materials Science (2013) 48:1 pp.240-250
Rathore J.S., Majumdar R. & Sharma N.N. (2012) Planar Wave Propulsion through Tapered Flagellum IEEE Transactions of Nanotechnology (2012)11:6 pp.1117 - 1121
International Conference (Peer reviewed)
Majumdar, R., Geetha, B., Kannan, V., Ogata, H. (2024). Supporting Reflective Teaching Strategies in an Analytics-Driven Learning Ecosystem: Cases of Using LEAF System from India and Japan. In: Khanra Jha, S., Shenoy, M.V., Bhattacharyya, T., Seshaiyer, P. (eds) Perspective and Strategies on Newage Education and Creative Learning. ICON BITS 2023. Springer Proceedings in Humanities and Social Sciences. Springer, Singapore.
Dasgupta U. and Majumdar R. (2024) Navigating Europe’s Artificial Intelligence Act: Application of LLMs in classrooms. accepted in ICCE 2024.
Atake J., Hsu C., Horikoshi I., Li H., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2024) Comparison of Learners’ Self-direction Behavior Across Contexts and Phases. accepted in ICCE 2024.
Hsu CY, Horikoshi I., Li H., Majumdar R., and Ogata H. (2024) Designing Recommendations for Productive Learning Habit-building from Learning Logs. accepted in ICCE 2024.
Wang Z., Hsu C., Horikoshi I., Li H., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2024) Classifying Self-Reflection Notes: Automation Approaches for GOAL system. accepted in ICCE 2024.
Portaz, M., Majumdar, R., & Santos, O. C. (2024) Exploring Cognitive Engagement in AI-driven Adaptive Psychomotor Sports Training. Embodied@ICCE2024.
Kothiyal, A., Majumdar, R., Mishra, S., Warriem, J.M, Pande, P. (2024) Unpacking interaction Markers of Critical Thinking. Embodied@ICCE2024.
Narayanan, S., Kaur, N., Majumdar, R. (2024) Actions and interactions at collaborative engineering design hackathon: Looking through the lens of embodied cognition. Embodied@ICCE2024.
Hsu CY, Horikoshi I., Li H., Majumdar R., and Ogata H. (2024) Evaluating Productivity of Learning Habits Using Math Learning Logs: Do K12 Learners Manage Their Time Effectively? ECTEL 2024.
Majumdar, R., Singh, D., Chen, M.R.A. (2024) Designing Structured Reflections For Guiding Learners’ Interactions With Generative AI. In CELDA 2024.
Majumdar, R., Singh, D., Rajendran, R., Narayanan, S., Gatare, K. (2024) LA-ReflecT platform’s affordances for distributed multimodal learning analytics. In CollabTech 2024.
Majumdar, R., Prasad, P., & Sane, A. (2024). Mining Epistemic Actions of Programming Problem Solving with Chat-GPT. In Proceedings of Educational Data Mining Conference.
Portaz, M., Garcia, P., Majumdar, R., & Santos, O. C. (2024, June). Mastering Mind and Movement. ACM UMAP 2024 Tutorial on Modeling Intelligent Psychomotor Systems (M3@ ACM UMAP 2024). In Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (pp. 9-12).
Wang Z., Hsu C., Atake J., Horikoshi I., Li H., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2024) Automated Classification of Student's Self-reflection Using BERT: Consideration and Possibilities for Self-Directed Learning Support, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, 2024.3.20
Atake J., Hsu C., Horikoshi I., Li H., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2024) Understanding Learners’ Cross-context Self-direction Skill Achievement Behavior, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, 2024.3.20
Koike K. , Majumdar R., Hoppe U. and Ogata H.(2023) Conceptual Design of WHALE: A Wise Helper Agent for the LEAF Environment. accepted in ICCE 2023 workshop.
Jiang P., Takii K., Liang C. , Majumdar R. and Ogata H. (2023) Supporting Peer Help Recommendation Based on Learner-Knowledge Model. accepted in ICCE 2023 workshop.
Hsu C., Horikoshi I., Majumdar R. and Ogata H. (2023) Learning Habits Mining and Data-driven Support of Building Habits in Education. accepted in ICCE 2023 doctoral consortium.
Liang C., Horikoshi I., Majumdar R. and Ogata H. (2023) Tackling Unserious Raters in Peer Evaluation: Behavior Analysis and Early Detection with Learner Model. accepted in ICCE 2023.
Nakamura K., Horikoshi I., Majumdar R. and Ogata H. (2023) Visualization of Instructional patterns for Teacher Professional Development. accepted in ICCE 2023.
Yamauchi T., Nakamizo Y., Takami K., Majumdar R. and Ogata H. (2023) Matching Message Interventions Considering Complex Personality Types. accepted in ICCE 2023.
Wang Z., Majumdar R. and Ogata H. (2023) Self-analysis behaviors and its Impact for Japanese High School Language Learners. accepted in ICCE 2023.
Ocheja P., Majumdar R., Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2023) Sharing Learning Log while maintaining privacy over blockchain: Heuristic Evaluation of BOLL. accepted in ICCE 2023.
Horikoshi I., Toyokawa Y., Nakamura K., Liang C., Majumdar R. and Ogata H. Teaching Analytics with xAPI: Learning Design Visualization with Crossplatform Learning Data. accepted in ICCE 2023.
Hsu C., Otgonbaatar M., Horikoshi I., Li H., Majumdar R. and Ogata H. (2023) Chronotypes of Learning Habits and Performance in Weekly Math Learning of Junior High School. accepted in ICCE 2023.
Abou-Khalil, V., Vargo, A., Majumdar, R., Magno, M., Kapur, M. (2023). Automated Assessment and Guidance of Project Work. In: Wang, N., Rebolledo-Mendez, G., Dimitrova, V., Matsuda, N., Santos, O.C. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Education. Workshops and Tutorials in AIED 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1831. Springer, Cham.
Majumdar R., Takami K., and Ogata H. (2023)Learning with Explainable AI-Recommendations at School: Extracting Patterns of Self-directed Learning from Learning Logs. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Orem, UT, USA, 2023, pp. 245-249, doi: 10.1109/ICALT58122.2023.00078. (Paper Nominated for Best Overall Paper Award)
Gatare K., Yang Y.Y., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2023) Co-designing nudges for Self Directed Learning within GOAL system. Accepted in ICALT 2023
Majumdar R., Yang Y., Li H., Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2023) 3 Years of GOAL project in Public School: Leveraging Learning & Smartwatch Logs for Self-directed Learning. in LAK23 as practitioners report.
Toyokawa Y., Majumdar R., Horikoshi I., Ogata H. (2023) Evidence-based Learning in Special Needs Education Facilitated by LEAF: Opportunities and Challenges. in LAK23 as poster.
Ogata H., Flanagan B., Majumdar R., Horikoshi I. (2023) Data and Evidence Informed Educational Practice with LEAF System. in LAK23 as demo.
Baloian N., Cobaise J., Peñafiel s., Flanagan B., Majumdar R. and Ogata H. (2023) Applying an interpretable and accurate model to Learning analytics. in LAK23 workshop
Liang C., Majumdar R., Gorham T., Horikoshi I., & Ogata H. (2022) Estimating peer evaluation potential by utilizing learner model during group work. accepted in CollabTech 2022.
Horikoshi I., Liang C., Nakamizo Y, Majumdar R., & Ogata H. (2022) Entwining Individual and Collaborative Activities in Learning-Analytics Informed Collaborative Learning. accepted in CollabTech 2022.
Horikoshi I., Liang C., Majumdar R., & Ogata H. (2022) Peer Evaluation Behavior Analysis: Applicability and Reproducibility of the Method Across Systems and Activity Contexts. accepted in ICCE 2022 (Paper nominated for Best Overall Paper Award)
Liang C., Majumdar R., Horikoshi I., Flanagan B. & Ogata H. (2022) Exploring predictive indicators of reading-based online group work for group formation assistance. accepted in ICCE 2022
Nakamizo Y., Majumdar R., Horikoshi I., Liang C., Flanagan B. & Ogata H. (2022) GWpulse: Supporting Learner Modeling and Group Awareness in Online Forum with Sentiment Analysis. accepted in ICCE 2022
Hsu CY, Horikoshi I., Li H., Majumdar R., and Ogata H. (2022) Extracting Students’ Self-Regulation Strategies in an Online Extensive Reading Environment using the Experience API (xAPI). accepted in ICCE 2022
Kirin B., Majumdar R. (2022) Copyright in the Scope of Education. accepted in ICCE 2022
Majumdar R., Ogata H., Warriem J.M. and Prasad P. (2022) LA-ReflecT: A Platform for Data-informed Reflections in Micro-learning tasks. accepted in Embodied@ICCE 2022
Kuromiya H., Majumdar R., & Ogata H. (2022) Evaluating Course Grading Fairness in Comparison of Learning Activity Logs Before and After COVID-19. accepted in WCCE 2022.
Hsu, CY., Majumdar, R., Li, H., Yang, Y., Ogata, H. (2022). Extensive Reading at Home: Extracting Self-directed Reading Habits from Learning Logs. In: Rodrigo, M.M., Matsuda, N., Cristea, A.I., Dimitrova, V. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Education. AIED 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13355. Springer, Cham.
Kuromiya, H., Majumdar, R., Ogata, H. (2022). Detecting Teachers’ in-Classroom Interactions Using a Deep Learning Based Action Recognition Model. In: Rodrigo, M.M., Matsuda, N., Cristea, A.I., Dimitrova, V. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Education. Posters and Late Breaking Results, Workshops and Tutorials, Industry and Innovation Tracks, Practitioners’ and Doctoral Consortium. AIED 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13356. Springer, Cham.
Majumdar R., Tanimura N., Arakawa Y., Nakamizo Y., Flanagan B., Li H., Yang Y. and Ogata H. (2022) Learning at a Cafe and Learning at a Lab: Integrating Learning Logs with Smart Eyewear and Environmental Sensor Data. accepted in ICALT 2022
Toyokawa Y., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2022) Application of Learning Analytics Enhanced e-book reader for Inclusive Education at Special Needs Class. accepted in ICALT 2022
Liang C., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2022) Continuous Data-Driven Group Learning Support: A Case Study of an Asynchronous Online Course. accepted in CSCL 2022.
Majumdar R., Liang C., Kuromiya H., Li. H., Flanagan B., Ogata H. (2022) Learning and Evidence Analytics Framework (LEAF): Innovating Log Data Driven Services for Teaching and Learning. accepted as an interactive demo in ISLS 2022.
Majumdar R., Li H., Yang Y., Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2022) GOAL System to Support In-class Reading Activity: A Study of Advanced and Standard EFL Learners. accepted as extended abstract in ICFULL 2022
Yang Y., Li H., Majumdar R., and Ogata H. (2022) Leverage Technology to Support Self-direction Strategies for High School Students in Weekly English Vocabulary and Grammar Learning. accepted as extended abstract in ICFULL 2022
Li H., Majumdar R., Yang Y. and Ogata H. (2022) Perception-behavior differences in self-directed language learning among junior high school EFL learners. accepted as extended abstract in ICFULL 2022
Toyokawa Y., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2022) Active Reading Dashboard to Enhance English Language Learning. accepted as extended abstract in ICFULL 2022
Toyokawa Y., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2022) Detecting Writing Difficulties among Students in Special Needs Class Using BookRoll’s Pen Stroke Data. accepted as extended abstract in ICFULL 2022
Gorham T., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2022) Pebasco: An Asynchronous Learning Analytics App for Communicative Language Teaching Built Using No-Code Technology
Li J., Li H., Majumdar R., Yang Y. and Ogata H. (2022) Self-directed Extensive Reading supported with GOAL system: Mining Sequential Patterns of Learning Behavior and Predicting Academic Performance. accepted in LAK 22.
Flanagan, B., Shimada, A., Okubo, F., Majumdar, R., Li, H., & Ogata, H. (2022). The 4th Workshop on Predicting Performance Based on the Analysis of Reading Behavior. Companion Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. (in press)
Majumdar R., Bakilapadavu G., Li J., Ogata H., Flanagan B. and Chen M. R. A. (2021) Analytics of Open-Book Exams with Interaction Traces in a Humanities Course. in Procs. of ICCE 2021 pp. 352-361. (Paper Nominated for Best Overall Paper Award)
Kuromiya H., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2021) Mining Students’ Engagement Pattern in Summer Vacation Assignment. accepted in ICCE 2021.
Toyokawa Y., Majumdar R., Lecailliez L. and Ogata H. (2021) A Flipped Model of Active Reading Using Learning Analytics-enhanced E-book Platform. accepted in ICCE 2021.
Ocheja P., Flanagan B., Majumdar R. and Ogata H. (2021) Investigating Relevance of Prior Learning Data Connected through the Blockchain. accepted in ICCE 2021.
Flanagan B., Takami K., Takii K., Yiling D., Majumdar R. and Ogata H. (2021) EXAIT: A Symbiotic Explanation Education System. in procs. of ICCE 2021 pp. 404-409.
Nakanishi T., Kuromiya H., Majumdar R. and Ogata H. (2021) Improvement of Teaching Based on the E-book Reader Logs: A Case Study at High School Math Class in Japan. accepted in ICCE 2021.
Majumdar R., Şahin D., Yang Y. and Li H. (2021) Preparations for Multimodal Analytics of an Enactive Critical Thinking Episode. accepted in Embodied@ICCE2021.
Gatare K., Prasad P., Kothiyal A., Sarkar P., Raina A. and Majumdar R. (2021) Designing Nudges for Self-directed Learning in a Data-rich Environment. accepted in LA@ICCE2021.
Liang C., Toyokawa Y., Nakanishi T., Majumdar R., & Ogata H. (2021) Supporting Peer Evaluation in a Data-driven Group Learning Environment. accepted in CollabTech2021.
Majumdar R., Kothiyal A., Mishra S., Pande P., Li H, Yang Y.Y., Ogata H. and Warriem J.M. (2021) Design of a Critical Thinking Task Environment based on ENaCT framework. accepted in ICALT 2021.
Majumdar R., Yoshitake D., Flanagan B., Ogata H. (2021) ReDrEw: A Learning Analytics Enhanced Learning Design of a Drawing based Knowledge Organization Task. accepted in ICALT 2021. (Paper Nominated for Best Short Paper Award)
Toyokawa Y., Majumdar R., Ogata H., Lecailliez L. and Liang C. (2021) Learning Analytics Enhanced Group Activity Design to Promote Active Reading in English. accepted in ICALT 2021.
Li J., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2021) Mining Mathematics Learning Strategies of High and Low Performing Students using Log Data, accepted in IEEE ICALT 2021 (pp. 229-230).
Flanagan B., Liang C., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2021) Towards Explainable Group Formation by Knowledge Map based Genetic Algorithm. accepted in ICALT 2021.
Mishra S., Majumdar R., Kothiyal A., Pande P., Warriem J.M. (2021) Tracing Embodied Narratives of Critical Thinking. In: Roll I., McNamara D., Sosnovsky S., Luckin R., Dimitrova V. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Education. AIED 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12749. Springer, Cham.
Majumdar R., Şahin D., Kondo T., Li H., Yang Y.Y., Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2021) Enabling Multimodal Reading Analytics through GOAL Platform. in the Companion Proceedings of LAK 2021
Kuromiya H., Nakanishi T., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2021) Real-time Evidence Analysis Library (REAL): Automatic Aggregation of Learning Analytics Based Intervention. in the Companion Proceedings of LAK 2021
Flanagan B., Shimada A., Majumdar R., Ogata H. (2021) The 3rd Workshop on Predicting Performance Based on the Analysis of Reading Behavior. in the Companion Proceedings of LAK 2021
Majumdar R., Bakilapadavu G., Majumder R., Chen M. R. A., Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2020) Learning Analytics of Critical Reading Activity: Reading Hayavadana during Lockdown. accepted in ICCE 2020
Majumdar R., Chen M. R. A., Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2020) E-book based Learning in times of Pandemic. accepted in ICCE 2020
Toyokawa Y., Chen M. R. A., Majumdar R., Gwo-Jen H. and Ogata H. (2020) Trends of E-Book-Based English Language Learning: A Review on Journal Publications from 2010 to 2019. accepted in ICCE 2020 (Paper Nominated for Best Full Paper Award)
Chen M. R. A., Majumdar R., Gwo-Jen H., Lin. Y. D., Ogata H., Akçapınar G. and Flanagan B. (2020) Improving EFL students’ learning achievements and behaviors using a learning analytics-based e-book system. accepted in ICCE 2020
Flanagan B., Majumdar R., Takii K., Ocheja P., Chen M. R. A. and Ogata H. (2020) Identifying Student Engagement and Performance from Reading Behaviors in Open eBook Assessment. accepted in ICCE 2020
Akçapınar G., Hasnine M.N., Majumdar R., Chen M. R. A., Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2020) Exploring Temporal Study Patterns in eBook-based Learning. accepted in ICCE 2020
Li H., Majumdar R., Yang Y. Y. and Ogata H. (2020) Design of a Self-Reflection Model in GOAL to Support Students' Reflection. accepted in ICCE 2020
Kondo T., Li H., Yang Y.Y., Majumdar R. and Ogata H. (2020) Design Explorations to Support Learner’s Mental Health using Wearable Device and GOAL application. accepted in ICCE 2020
Kannan V., Warriem J.M., Majumdar R. and Ogata H. (2020) Learning Dialogues orchestrated with BookRoll: A Case Study of Undergraduate Physics Class During COVID-19 Lockdown. accepted in ICCE 2020
Khalil V. A., Helou S., Khalifé E, Majumdar R. and Ogata H. (2020) Emergency remote teaching in low-resource contexts: How did teachers adapt? accepted in ICCE 2020
Kuromiya H., Majumdar R., Kondo T, Nakanishi T, Kensuke Takii and Ogata H. (2020) Impact of School Closure during COVID-19 Emergency: A Time Series Analysis of Learning Logs. accepted in ICCE 2020
Majumdar R., Bakilapadavu G., Rajendran R., Sahasrabuddhe S., Chen M. R. A., Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2020) Learning Analytics for Humanities and Design Education. in the LA@ICCE workshop of ICCE 2020.
Mishra S., Majumdar R., Kothiyal A., Pande P., Warriem J.M. (2020) ENaCT: An Action-based Framework for the Learning and Analytics of Critical Thinking. in the LA@ICCE workshop of ICCE 2020.
Majumdar R., Li H., Yang Y.Y., Flanagan B., Akçapınar G. and Ogata H. (2020) Oh! Another Deadline: Cohort Analysis of Learner’s Behaviors in Self-Directed Tasks (accepted in ICALT 2020)
Flanagan B., Majumdar R., Akçapınar G., and Ogata H., The Relationship between Student Performance and Reading Behavior in Open eBook Assessment. (accepted in ICALT 2020), (Paper Nominated for Best Full Paper Award)
Majumdar R., Kuromiya H., Komura K., Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2020) LA Platform in Junior High School: Trends of Usage and Students Performance (accepted in LAK 2020)
Flanagan B., Majumdar R., Shimada A., Ogata H. (2020) The 2nd Workshop on Predicting Performance Based on the Analysis of Reading Behavior, in the Companion Proceedings of LAK 2020 pp.604-607.
Akçapınar G., Chen A.M., Majumdar R., Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2020) Exploring Student Approaches to Learning through Sequence Analysis of Reading. Proceedings of LAK 2020 pp.106–111.
Kuromiya H., Majumdar R., Warriem J.M. and Ogata H. (2019) Data-driven Validation of Pedagogical Model - A Case of Blended LCM Model, IEEE T4E 2019, Goa, India, Dec 2019
Majumdar R., Kuromiya H., Nishioka C., Warriem J.M. and Ogata H. (2019) Workshop on Technology-enhanced and Evidence-based Education: experience sharing and the road forward. IEEE T4E 2019, Goa, India, Dec 2019
Yang Y.Y., Majumdar R., Li H., Akçapınar G. , Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2019). Measuring Analysis Skill in Data-informed Self-directed Activities. LA@ICCE2019, 27th ICCE, Kenting, Taiwan, Dec 2019.
Majumdar R., Warriem J.M., Kuromiya H., Akçapınar G., Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2019) Learning Evidence Analytics Framework (LEAF) in Practice: A2I2 based Teacher Adoption Approach (accepted in ICCE 2019)
Li H., Yang Y., Majumdar R., Akçapinar G., Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2019) Modeling Self-Planning and Promoting Planning Skills in a Data-Rich Context, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2019), pp. 300-305, 2019.12.5
Boticki I., Ogata H., Tomiek K., Akçapınar G., Flanagan B., Majumdar R. and Hasnine M.N. (2019) Identifying Reading Styles from E-book Log Data (accepted in ICCE 2019)
Akçapınar G., Hasnine M.N., Majumdar R., Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2019) Exploring the Relationships between Students' Engagement and Academic Performance in the Digital Textbook System (accepted in ICCE 2019)
Flanagan B., Chen M.R.A, Lecailliez L., Majumdar R., Akçapınar G., Ocheja P. and Ogata H. (2019) Automatic Vocabulary Study Map Generation by Semantic Context and Learning Material Analysis (accepted in ICCE 2019)
Majumdar R., Li H., Yang Y.Y., Akçapınar G. , Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2019). Adaptive Support for Acquisition of Self-direction Skills using Learning and Health Data, in Proceedings of the 19th IEEE ICALT pp.54-56, Maceió, Brazil July 2019.
Majumdar R., Akçapınar A., Akçapınar G., Flanagan B. and Ogata H., LAView: Learning Analytics Dashboard Towards Evidence-based Education, Companion Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. Tempe, USA March 2019
Majumdar R., Akçapınar A., Gokhan Akçapınar, Flanagan B., Ogata H., Learning Analytics Dashboard Widgets to Author Teaching-Learning Cases for Evidence-based Education, Companion Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. Tempe, USA March 2019 pp.600-607
Majumdar R., I Boticki., Ogata H., International Workshop on Technology-Enhanced and Evidence-Based Education and Learning , Companion Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. Tempe, USA March 2019, pp.595-599
Li H., Majumdar R., Yang Y.Y., Akçapınar G., Flanagan B., Ogata H., Practice-Based Self Direction: A Conceptual Framework, Companion Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. Tempe, USA March 2019
Akçapınar G., Hasnine M.N., Majumdar R., Flanagan B. and Ogata H., Using Learning Analytics to Detect Off-Task Student Behaviors in Classroom during the Reading Task, Companion Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. Tempe, USA March 2019
Flanagan B., Majumdar R., Akçapınar G., Wang J. and Ogata H., Knowledge Map Creation for Modeling Learning Behaviors in Digital Learning Environments, Companion Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge. Tempe, USA March 2019
Majumdar R., Yuan Yuan Yang, Huiyong Li, Akçapınar G., Flanagan B., Ogata H. (2018) GOAL: A System to Support Learner’s Acquisition of Self Direction Skills, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2018), pp. 406-415, 2018.11.29. (Paper Nominated for Best Technical Design Award)
Majumdar R. (2018), Supporting Data-Driven Decision Making by Learners and Teachers, In Proc. of 26th ICCE, Manila, Philippines, Nov 2018.
Hasnine M.N., Akçapınar G., Flanagan B., Majumdar R., Kousuke Mouri and Ogata H., Towards Final Scores Prediction over Clickstream Using Machine Learning Methods, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2018), pp. 392-397, 2018.11.26.
Ogata H., Majumdar R., Akçapınar G., Hasnine M.N., Flanagan B., Beyond Learning Analytics: Framework for Technology-Enhanced Evidence-Based Education and Learning, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2018), pp. 486-489, 2018.11.26.
Flanagan B., Akçapınar G., Majumdar R., Ogata H., Automatic Generation of Contents Models for Digital Learning Materials, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2018), pp. 804-806, 2018.11.29.
Akçapınar G., Majumdar R., Flanagan B., Ogata H., (2018) Investigating Students’ e-Book Reading Patterns with Markov Chains, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2018), pp. 310-315, 2018.11.28
Law, M.C., Majumdar, R. and Hew, K.F. (2016) Tracing Phonological Processing Skill in Early Childhood Through iSAT IEEE Intnl Conf on Technology for Education (T4E), India, Dec 2016.
Sahasrabudhe, S. , Majumdar, R.(2016) Content Creation and Pedagogic Strategies for Skill Development MOOC Intnl Conf on Computers in Education (ICCE), Mumbai, India, 2016
Sahasrabudhe, S. , Majumdar, R.(2016) MOOC for skill development in 3D animation , IEEE Intnl. Conf. on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Austin, USA, 2016.
Majumdar, R. and Iyer, S. (2015) Beyond Clickers: Tracing Patterns in Students' Response through iSAT. Intnl Conf on Computers in Education (ICCE), Hangzhou, China, Nov 2015.
Majumdar, R. , Alse, K., Iyer, S. (2014) Interactive Stratified Attribute Tracking Diagram for Learning Analytics. IEEE Intnl Conf on Technology for Education (T4E), Amritapuri, India, 2014.
Majumdar, R. and Iyer, S. (2014) Using Stratified Attribute Tracking (SAT) Diagrams for Learning Analytics. IEEE Intnl.Conf. on Advanced Learning Technologies, Greece, 2014.
Majumdar, R., Kothiyal, A., Pande, P., Agarwal, H., Ranka, A., Murthy, S., & Chandrasekharan, S. (2014) The enactive equation: exploring how multiple external representations are integrated, using a fully controllable interface and eye-tracking. IEEE Intnl Conf on Technology for Education (T4E), Amritapuri, India, Dec 2014.
Kothiyal, A., Majumdar, R., Pande, P., Agarwal, H., Ranka, A., & Chandrasekharan, S. (2014) How Does Representational Competence Develop? Explorations Using a Fully Controllable Interface and Eye-tracking , Intnl. Conf on Computers in Education (ICCE), Nara, Japan, 2014.
Majumdar, R., Bhawar, P., Sahasrabudhe, S., Dinesan, P. (2014) HasTA: Hasta Training Application Learning Theory Based Design of Bharatanatyam Hand Gestures Tutor. IEEE Intnl. Conf. on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Athens, Greece, July 2014.
Majumdar, R. and Iyer, S. (2013) LAMP: A framework for large-scale addressing of muddy points. IEEE Intnl. Conf. on Technology for Education (T4E), Kharagpur, India, Dec 2013.
Majumdar, R. and Kothiyal, A. (2013) PULSE: A Framework for Protocol Based Utility to Log Student Engagement. IEEE International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E 2013), Kharagpur, India.
Kothiyal, A., Majumdar, R., Murthy, S. and Iyer, S. (2013) Effect of think-pair-share in a large CS1 class: 83% sustained engagement. ACM Intl. Computing Education Research Workshop (ICER), San Diego, USA, August 2013.
Majumdar, R., Dinesan, P. (2012) Framework for Teaching Bharatanatyam through Digital Medium. IEEE Intnl. Conf. on Technology for Education (T4E), Hyderabad, India, July 2012.
Domestic Conferences ( in Japan)
黒宮 寛之, 中西 太郎, MAJUMDAR, Rwitajit, 緒方 広明, Sharing Best Practice of Teachers for Learning Analytics at Scale, 日本教育工学会2021年秋全国大会, 2021.10. (URL)
近藤大翔, 緒方広明, Rwitajit MAJUMDAR, 学生の学習ログを可視化するアクティブリーディングダッシュボードの設計と評価, 第46回教育システム情報学会全国大会, 2021年9月
TARO NAKANISHI, HIROYUKI KUROMIYA, RWITAJIT MAJUMDAR, HIROAKI OGATA, Evidence Mining Using Course Schedule, 第32回教育学習支援情報システム研究発表会(CLE32), 2020.11.27-28. (URL, KURENAI, PDF)
Yuanyuan Yang, Rwitajit Majumdar, Huiyong Li, Hiroaki Ogata, Task Design and Skill Measurement of Data Analysis Phase in GOAL System, 情報処理学会CLE研究会, 京都大学, 2019.3.
Ogata H., Majumdar R., Akçapınar G., Flanagan B. (2019) Data-driven Infrastructure for Evidence-based Education and Learning. The 33rd Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Nigata, Japan, June 4-7, 2019.