
I am rwito

Dr. Rwitajit Majumdar

Associate Professor, Kumamoto University 

I am an Associate Professor at the Research and Educational Institute for Semiconductors and Informatics.
and the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences, Division of Instructional System Studies at Kumamoto University.

Before this, I was a Senior Lecturer at the Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies (ACCMS), and the Department of Social Informatics at the Graduate School of Informatics at Kyoto University. I am associated with the project in Prof. Hiroaki Ogata's Learning and Educational Technologies Research Unit. 

My research focuses on Learning Analytics and Human-data interactions. With a team of students and researchers, I design user workflow for data-informed decision-making in the teaching-learning context. Given any technology-enhanced learning context, I investigate the user and system interactions based on the log data generated while the user operates in the technology platform to complete their set tasks. Based on that data analysis, I aim to inform AI technology design, evaluate its effectiveness, and theorize the teaching and learning process that the technology supports. My primary stakeholders are teachers and students. I am fortunate to work with a group of extremely motivated collaborators on various projects!

For the teachers, I am focusing on developing Learning Evidence Analytics Framework (LEAF) to support Technology-enhanced and Evidenced-based Education and Learning (TEEL). This open-source framework aims to extract evidence of effective teaching and learning practices by harnessing the power of learning analytics. Applying co-design methodology along with instructors, developers and researchers, we are building the infrastructure to store the evidence base of instructional practice. We aim to analyze the gathered knowledge base of evidence and recommend them to the practitioners. 

For the students, I am focusing on designing and developing the technology support for the acquisition of skills of being self-directed in this data-driven age.  It is the Goal Oriented Active Learner (GOAL) project. The project is in the interface of quantified-self and learning analytics where the learner's own learning and physical activity data is automatically synchronized in the GOAL system. Their visualized data is presented to them to support analysis, planning, monitoring, and reflection. I completed a JSPS research startup project (#18H05746, 2.99M JPY from 2018-2020) and JSPS early-career grant (#20K20131, 4.16M JPY from 2020-2022) to partially support this research. Currently, the project received the JSPS Kiban B (#22H03902, 17.68M JPY from 2022-2025).

During my graduate studies in the Inter-Disciplinary Program in Educational Technology at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, I under the guidance of my Ph.D. supervisor Prof. Sridhar Iyer, IDP in Educational Technology & Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, and Prof. Aniruddha Joshi, Industrial Design Center, IIT Bombay. I developed a visual analytics framework, Interactive Stratified Attribute Tracking (iSAT) to visualize transition patterns in any existing educational dataset. iSAT tool was built on that framework to assist visual cohort analysis. If you are an Educational Technology researcher, Classroom / MOOC instructor or involve in making data-driven decisions in educational settings, you can possibly use iSAT to visualize transition patterns with your data and interpret meaning in your context.


9/2023 - current
Associate Professor,

Research and Educational Institute for Semiconductors and Informatics,
Kumamoto University, Japan. 

4/2021 - 8/2023
Program-specific Senior Lecturer (Junior Associate Professor),

ACCMS, Kyoto University and Graduate School of Informatics.

1/2018 - 3/2021 

Program-specific Researcher,

Learning and Educational Technology Research Unit, Kyoto University


1/2013 - 1/2018
Teaching Assistant

IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India

IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay


8/2009 - 7/2012
Teaching Assistant

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, India    

Department of Mechanical Engineering, BITS Pilani &

Associated with Publication and Media Relations Unit, BITS Pilani


Research Grants

As Principal Investigator (PI)

As Co-Principle Investigator (Co-PI)


Discussions and Teaching

I am interested in discussions related to  Educational Technology, Learning Analytics, Data Visualisation and HCI.