The Premise

Now, to keep this fun, we'll do it to the tune of D*ck in a Box...

  1. You get a pic of RWDA

  2. You put that head on a stick

  3. You go to a place

  4. You take a pic of that head

  5. You email that pic (and the location, date, and a little story) to RWDAonTour

  6. It gets added to the page.

Example from Snuffybud (with a made up story)...

EPIC Bar, Long Beach, California. 3/1/2021

After a long night in the diamond mines, the Long Beach Bears decided to cool off at a bar. While Biker Bob was telling a story about his helmet, Dan - you know Dan, on the right? He goosed Stew.

L to R: Harvey (partially obscured), Eric, Biker Bob, Bud, Stew, Dan