
Required Packages

There are a number of packages necessary to complete the task. These are available for all operating systems, however we strongly recommend using Linux.

Please install these requirements on your laptop before attending the workshop:

  1. Python 3.5 or above
  2. Pytorch (select pip as your package and none for cuda version)
  3. Scipy and numpy (use pip instructions)
  4. OpenCV3 for python or OpenCV2 for python
  5. (optional for visualisation during training) TensorboardX

Required Github


The repo has two parts:

                1. on_robot: this folder enables control of the robot and has a script for collecting training data for steering. It also has the scripts you will use to deploy your fully trained network. You can access this by ssh to the robot with your laptop.
                2. on_laptop: this folder has suggestions for training your steering model.