
I have been mentoring undergraduate/master students since 2015 and PhD candidates since 2019. Supervision consists iofn teaching my students everything I know and letting them grow so they can hopefully become independent scientists (to my immense satisfaction). 

Academic services

I am a reviewer for several scientific journals (Epigenetics, Retrovirology, PLoS ONE, iScience, ...) and I was a guest editor for the Journal of Visualized Experiments. I was a chair and co-organizer of the Beyond Genes virtual conference. 


Due to lack of time rather than lack of enthusiasm, my recent outreach activities have consisted of written cover-ups for conferences.

·      Written cover-up of the conference “Beyond Genes” for the UCLA EpiCenter.

·      Written cover-up of the conference “IHEC, Blueprint 2016” for EpiGenie, the online Epigenetics Research Community