Rappahannock Valley Amateur Radio Club


The Rappahannock Valley Amateur Radio Club supports the public good, particularly in times of emergency, through the services of Amateur Radio; to share our experience and knowledge with each other, within the club and throughout our community; to foster amateur radio through education and public awareness; and to enjoy the comradery of our amateur radio community.  

RVARC to Offer Technician Class

The RVARC is teaching a FREE six-week class to help you get your entry-level (Technician) class amateur radio license! 

If you've ever wanted to learn about amateur radio and earn your license, your time has come. The Rappahannock Valley Amateur Radio Club is again offering its Amateur Radio Technician Class for Winter 2025. 

The course will begin Wednesday February 5, 2025, and will run for six weeks. Classes will meet each Wednesday from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. The final session on March 12, 2025, will be the test for the Federal Communications Commission Amateur Technician Class License. 

See the attached flyer for more information:  2025 Technician Class Flyer 

Club Activities

See the RVARC Events Calendar for upcoming dates.

2 Meter Net: The Club operates a Net every Thursday evening at 2100 hours (9:00 PM) on the K4TS repeater; 147.015 MHz, offset +0.600 MHz, Pl 79.7.  The Net meets to handle local traffic, conduct emergency communications training, and to share information and comments among the amateur radio community in and around Fredericksburg, VA.    All amateur radio stations are encouraged to check in.  You do not have to be a club member to participate.

Monthly Breakfast: RVARC meets for breakfast at 8:00 AM on the 1st Saturday of every month at the Golden Corral Buffet & Grill located at 10320 Spotsylvania Ave, Fredericksburg, VA 22408.  See Google Map below.

Weekly Lunch: Thursdays, 11 AM at Kickback Jack's, 10145 Southpoint Pkwy, Fredericksburg, VA 22407 - in front of Lowes.   See Google Map below.

Weekly Early Bird Breakfast: Fridays, 6 AM at the Layafette Diner, 4006 Lafayette Blvd, Fredericksburg, VA 22408See Google Map below.

RVARC Repeaters

The Club operates two Open repeaters.  The repeaters are open to all licensed Amateur Radio operators.

VHF: Kenwood 2 Meter FM, call sign K4TS, frequency 147.015 MHz, offset +0.600 MHz, pl tone 79.7

UHF: Yaesu 70 cm FM/C4FM Digital, call sign K4TS, frequency 443.850 MHz, offset +5.000 MHz, pl tone 79.7.  This repeater was purchased by former club President Chris Collins (KN4LLQ) and  donated to the Club.

The repeaters and antenna are located at the Spotsylvania County communications tower near the Chancellor Landfill at 5917 Harrison Road.  See Google Map below.