Publications and Presentations

Publications and Other Research Products

2017. The role of elder speakers in language revitalisation. In Wesley Y. Leonard & Haley De Korne (eds) Language Documentation and Description, vol 14. London: EL Publishing. pp. 88-110. 21 pages.

2017. Language documentation, revitalization, and reclamation: Supporting young learners and their communities. Lead Author, with the Child Language Research and Revitalization Working Group. 31 pages.

2015. A Report on Tribal Language Revitalization in Head Start and Early Head Start. Report for the Office of Head Start. 72 pages.

2011. Capturing the Language for Future Generations. Documentary film. Project Director. 22 minutes.

2010. Karuk Voices: Stories of the Klamath River. Documentary film. Project Director. 71 minutes.



Centering Emotion in Language Reclamation. Presentation at the Symposium on American Indian Languages, Tucson, AZ.

Emotion and Motivation in Language Reclamation. Presentation and Most Impactful Paper Award at the International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation, Honolulu, HI.


Emotions, Attitudes, and Language Learning. Presentation at the Live Your Language Alliance Bi-annual Gathering: Language is Healing, Tending Our Roots. Arcata, CA.

Ideologies of Language Purity in Healthcare Interpreting. Paper presented with Alma Caravarin and Sanam Janamian at the Linguistics Research in Diaspora Communities Symposium, Davis, CA.


Lenguas en peligro, y el bienestar. Presentation at the IV Congreso Internacional ACALING, San Salvador, El Salvador.

Documentation, Revitalization, and Benefits for Young Learners and their Communities. Workshop at the International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation, Honolulu, HI.

Improving language documentation and revitalization through interdisciplinary collaboration. Poster presented at the Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.


Language Revitalization in Early Head Start and Head Start. Research Forum Presentation at the National Indian Education Association Convention, Portland, OR.

Update on Native Language Initiatives from Native Language MOA partners. Panel presentation at the Native American Language Summit, Washington, DC.

Language and Culture in Head Start. Presentations at the Northwest Indian Head Start Coalition Conference, Billings, MT.

Language Revitalization in Early Head Start and Head Start: A report from the field. Presentation at the National Indian Head Start Directors Association Management Training Conference, Sacramento, CA.

Sharing Strategies for Language Reclamation and Revitalization. Presentation at the Native American Child and Family Conference, Albuquerque, NM.

Language Revitalization in Head Start. Pre-session workshop at the International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation, Honolulu, HI.

Bringing Tribal Language in Head Start and Early Head Start. Presentation at the Administration for Native Americans Grantee Meeting, Santa Fe, NM.


The Recovering Voices Program. Presentation to a joint meeting of Recovering Voices and the National Capital Area Linguistic Anthropologists, Washington, DC.

Recovering Voices at the Smithsonian: Communities + Collections + Research. Poster presented at the Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.


Recovering Voices at the Smithsonian.

Plenary invited lecture at the 2nd International Congress of Central American Linguists, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Inalienable Noun Possession in Miskitu.

Paper presented at the 2nd International Congress of Central American Linguists, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages.

Presented as part of the panel session The Intersection of Archives and Endangered Languages at the Midwestern Archives Conference in Indianapolis, IN

Recovering Voices and the National Anthropological Archives: Connecting collections, communities and research.

Poster presented with Gina Rapppaport at the 3rd International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation, Manoa, HI.

Recovering Voices: Documenting & Sustaining Endangered Languages & Knowledge.

Presented as part of the Masters in Language and Communication speaker series, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.


Recuperando voces: Documentar y sostener idiomas y conocimientos indigenas. Presentation at the Forum on Indigenous Communication in Popayán, Colombia.

Recovering Voices: Documenting and sustaining Indigenous languages and knowledge systems. Presentation at the Revitalizing Smithsonian-Myanmar (Burma) Connections Open Forum.


Organizing for Environmental Justice. Presented at the Asamblea Comunitaria Regionál, Sisin, Nicaragua.

Using Audacity for Language Documentation and Revitalization. Presented at the Administration for Native Americans Grantee Meeting, Washington, DC.


Designing a Language Documentation Project. Presented as part of the Opening Plenary workshop for the InField Institute for Field Linguistics and Language Documentation, University of Oregon, Eugene.


Addressing the Needs of Elder Speakers in Language Revitalization. Presented at the Streams of Language, Memory and Lifeways: National Conference on Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums, Portland, OR.

Meeting the Needs of Elders in Language Revitalization. Presented at the Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Symposium, Tempe, AZ.


Inalienability in Miskitu. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, Chicago, IL.


Testing the role of CODACONDITION in labiovelar glide deletion in Korean.Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, Albuquerque, NM.

Inalienable Noun Possession in Miskitu: in case of loss, degeneration or amputation. Presented at the 52nd International Conference of Americanists, Sevilla, Spain.


Testing the role of CODACONDITION in labiovelar glide deletion in Korean. Presented at the 11th International Conference on Processing Chinese and Other East Asian Languages (PCOEAL 2005), Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Conferences and workshops organized


5th International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation. Manoa, Hawaii. (Advisory Committee)


Documentation and Children Learners: A Workshop to Examine the Broader Impacts of Endangered Language Documentation. Washington, DC. (Principal Organizer)


Utilization of Archives. Special panel and poster session of the Linguistics Society of America, Portland, OR. (Co-Organizer)


Global Lives/Global Voices. Planning workshop, Washington, DC. (Co-Organizer)

Q?rius Language Lab. Washington, DC. (Co-Organizer)

A Cultural Planet. Series of four public lectures. Washington, DC. (Co-Organizer)


Recovering Voices Seminar Series. Washington, DC. (Principal Organizer)


Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages, Washington, DC. (Co-Organizer)

Documentation and Collections Tent/Language Mapping Activity, Smithsonian Folklife Festival, Washington, DC. (Principal Organizer)

Recovering Voices Strategic Planning Retreat, Washington, DC. (Principal Organizer)


Videography Intensive, Suitland, MD. (Principal Organizer)


Creating the video “Capturing the Language”, Happy Camp, CA. (Principal Organizer)

Karuk Language Strategic Planning Retreat, McKinleyville, CA. (Principal Organizer)


Transcribing files for the Online Karuk Dictionary, Yreka, CA. (Principal Organizer)

Language Documentation Sharing, Happy Camp, CA. (Principal Organizer)

Video Editing Revisited, Yreka, CA. (Principal Organizer)


Video Editing and podcasting, Yreka, CA. (Principal Organizer)

Introduction to Oral History, Happy Camp, CA. (Principal Organizer)

Language Documentation and Metadata, Happy Camp, CA. (Principal Organizer)

Videography and Language Revitalization, Yreka, CA. (Principal Organizer)

Basics of Language Documentation, Orleans, CA. (Principal Organizer)


33rd Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, UC Berkley, CA. (Co-Organizer)