
Meet the Team, from left to right: Marshall Trier, Anastasia Echimova, Vladislav Secrieru, Shannon Li, Stanislav Chekirov, Alyona Strelnikova, Vladislav Trubnikov, Caroline Johnston and Eric Carkin

Vladislav Trubnikov


Other Email:

Bio: Student of Financial University under the government of the RF. I study international finance and my hobby is 3D animation and watching classic movies especially those made by Quentin Tarantino.

Eric Carkin


School Email:

Bio: I am studying Robotic and Electrical engineering at WPI and specialize in signal processing. For several years I have worked at IPG Photonics. where I worked with many mechanical and software topics and gained a lot of troubleshooting experience. Through WPI, I have had much experience collecting various kinds of data, including ecological changes in a public area over the course of months, and have beginner experience with programming languages such as Matlab and Java. Additionally, I have ample experience in the creation and troubleshooting of basic electronic systems.

Stanislav Chekirov


School Email:

Bio: I am a 4th course student of International Finance Faculty of Financial University under the Government of the RF. I know two languages, English and Spanish. I study finance and economics and I write scientific papers. My hobbies include video and photo editing and performing card magic tricks.

Caroline Johnston


School Email:

Bio: I am a Mathematical Sciences major and a Computer Science minor. My strengths include leadership, research, organization, and delegation. Academically I am very strong in theoretical mathematics and optimization work. I have completed research in the past on both neural networks and discrete optimization methods. I also have beginner/intermediate programming skills in both Java and Python.

Vladislav Secrieru


School Email:

Bio: I am an international student from Republic of Moldova in Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Field of my study is international finance.I know English, Russian, Romanian, Turkish and Spanish languages. Currently I work for the university in the Bloomberg laboratory.

Shannon Li:


School Email:

Bio: My name is Congshan Li, but my friends call me Shannon. I am an international student from China and I am currently pursuing a degree in Architecture Engineering and a minor in Mechanical Engineering here at WPI. I have lots of experience with building models in AutoCAD and Revit. I can speak Japanese and Korean, and I teach English back in China.

Marshall Trier:


School Email:

Bio: I am studying Robotic engineering at WPI. This gives me a solid background in computer programing, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering. I am good at working with my hands and enjoy building things. At my last job I built digital aftermarket car gauges as well as testing them them before shipping. My experience at WPI has exposed me to many group projects especially in Robotics.

Alyona Strelnikova



Bio: I was born in Krasnodar, Russia. Graduated from Gymnasium number 23 in Krasnodar. Now studying international finances in Moscow at the Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation. My hobbies include playing the guitar, reading books, cooking and writing poems.

Anastasia Echimova


School Email:

Bio: I am an international student from the Republic of Moldova. I study finance at International Finance Faculty of Financial University under the Government of the RF. At the moment I'm interested in international accounting and one day hope to be a part of the ACCA. I write scientific works and I participate in student lead scientific meetings and competitions.