Life in Russia

This is a picture we took in front of the Bolshoi theater after we visited the Red Square

When we visited the Palace Catherine the Great built we were able to wear the clothes of nobles and walk around the palace.

Here we are posing in front of St. Basil's cathedral. This was taken after we toured the Kremlin and the Armory.

Here we are giving one of our weekly update presentations to our professors. This week Caroline and Vlad are explaining the equations for the derivative price.

We took an overnight train to visit St. Petersburg. Caroline was trying to take a picture of her reflection in the window so we all decided to photobomb it!

During our tour of St. Petersburg we got to see the cruiser Aurora that fired the cannons to signal the beginning of the Bolshevik revolution.

This is a goofy picture we took in St. Petersburg featuring the Hermitage in the background.

One of our weekend activities was going to Comic con here in Moscow. It was fun to learn that Russians like many of the same games and movies that Americans do.

This was one of our last weekends in Russia. We decided to have a BBQ in the park with some of our Russian friends.