Russian 1100

RUSS 1100: Elementary Russian

Kathleen Scollins (

Office: 417 Waterman. Office Hours 10:45-11:45 or by appointment

Class meeting times: 

Teams link (MWF class is in-person only; please let me know if you are sick or in quarantine!)

Russian 1100 is the first part of a two-semester Introductory Russian course intended for students with no prior knowledge of Russian. The course emphasizes the development of communicative and cultural competence through dynamic classroom interactions and active engagement with authentic Russian materials. This is a 4-credit course: students attend in-person class 3 times per week, as well as one online session on Tuesdays, which can be completed either synchronously (on Teams) or asynchronously (on your own).

Resources and Quick Links

Russian majors with Katya and Julia, 

May 2018

Russian House "Kvartirnik" (secret underground concert), 

November 2019

Traditional dance performed by Staging Russian students, 

May 2019

  Meet your professor: Kat (Катя) Scollins

Здравствуйте, я - Катя! (Hi, I'm Katya!)

As a high school student toward the end of the Cold War, I was given the opportunity to spent two weeks with a Soviet family in the city then known as Leningrad. I (very unexpectedly) fell in love with the people and culture, and began to study Russian language and literature when I went to college. After graduating in the mid-90s, I spent more time living in my favorite city (now renamed St. Petersburg) before heading to grad school in Madison, Wisconsin, to get a PhD in Russian literature. My research focuses on the 19th-century literary tradition, with a particular focus on Orthodox writers like Gogol and Dostoevsky. 

2023 will mark my 22nd year teaching Russian language, culture, and literature, and I hope you're as excited as I am about the coming year!