5/2024, get-together with colleagues and group members at the Symposium of Fracture of Soft Materials, Austin, Texas

4/2024, end of semester group get-together at Ruobing's home.

2/2024, with Hyunki Kim and Shengwei Chen from 3M, at the Adhesion Society Annual Meeting, Savannah, GA

12/2023, the last Bai-Zhu group meeting in 2023 and lunch.

11/2023, group Thanksgiving dinner.

11/2023, Caltech alumni on celebrating the Timoshenko Medalist, Prof. Guruswami Ravichandran, IMECE, New Orleans

10/2023, Suo group alumni on celebrating Zhigang Suo's 60 years birthday, SES 2023 meeting, University of Minnesota

07/2023, workshop on Introduction to Uncertainty Quantification in Mechanics of Materials, University of Cambridge, UK.

05/2023, lunch with faculty colleagues at Northeastern Mechanical & Industrial Engineering who joined since pandemic, to celebrate the post-pandemic.

04/2023, Northeastern RISE event, with Qianfeng Yin, Abigail Bemis, and Zumrat Usmanova.

03/2023, APS March Meeting, Zhengxuan Wei and Ruobing Bai.

2022 MRS Fall, with Teng Li.

2022 MRS Fall, Suo group dinner with Zhigang Suo.

11/2022, group Thanksgiving dinner.

10/2022, Building Bridges event at Northeastern University to discuss our lab's research to high school students.

10/2022, group fall foliage trip in western Massachusetts.

10/2022, Suo group get-together, Society of Engineering Science (SES), Texas A&M.

10/2022, SOURCE event at Northeastern University to showcase our lab's research to our great undergraduate students.

09/2022,  group dinner to welcome PhD students Zumrat Usmanova and Yichen Wan.

06/2022,  Bhattacharya group alumni dinner, USNCTAM at UT Austin.

06/2022,  Suo group alumni dinner at Nanshu Lu's place, USNCTAM at UT Austin.

04/2022, group dinner to celebrate Zhengxuan passing his qualifying exam and Diego winning the Northeastern Peak Award.

11/2021, group Thanksgiving dinner.

10/2021, SOURCE event at Northeastern University to showcase our lab's research to our great undergraduate students.

10/2021, first group fall trip: Qianfeng Yin, Ruobing Bai, Yijing Chen, and Zhengxuan Wei.

07/2021, the Bai Lab at Mugar 103, Northeastern University.

07/05/2021, families of Ruobing Bai, Shuang Zhou, and Chao Chen.

January 2021, 203 SN, Northeastern University.

12/04/2020, last Zoom meeting with my postdoc advisor Kaushik Bhattacharya at Caltech.

12/06/2019, with Yecheng Wang, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston.

06/14/2019, Canhui Yang stopped by Pasadena during his trip from Harvard back to China as an assistant professor in Southern University of Science and Technology.

12/04/2018, Photomechanical Material Systems, Annual MURI Team Meeting, UC Santa Barbara

11/23/2018, Suo Group alumni at LA, Thanksgiving dinner at Xiaoyan's place.

Back: Dayong Chen, Xiaoyan Gong, Ruobing Bai

Front: Lihua Jin, Yin Xia, Yijing Chen

09/06/2018, Bhattacharya Group photo, Gates-Thomas Building, Caltech

08/17/2018, Suo Group farewell lunch for Shuang Zhou and Ruobing Bai, Pierce Hall, Harvard

08/16/2018, last day working in Suo Lab, with Jiawei Yang

06/10/2018, with Prof. Huiling Duan, USNC/TAM, Chicago

06/10/2018, colleagues from Xi'an Jiaotong University and Harvard, USNC/TAM, Chicago

06/06/2018, Peking University College of Engineering Alumni (center: Prof. Jianxiang Wang), USNC/TAM, Chicago

06/06/2018, with Prof. Shaoqiang Tang, USNC/TAM, Chicago

05/24/2018, Dr. Philipp Rothemund, Prof. Zhigang Suo, Dr. Ruobing Bai

04/12/2018, Ruobing's defense, Prof. Zhigang Suo, Prof. Joost Vlassak, Prof. John Hutchinson, Dr. Ruobing Bai

Summer 2017, SES Boston at Northeastern University

07/10/2016, Wedding, with Zhigang and Denian

Many photos of Suo group together, 2012 - 2018