Island  Cliff Garden

07 Island Cliff Garden


Clear Watercolor paintings

08 Island Cliff Garden


Classical Japanese painting style

09 Island Cliff Garden


Vivid color paintings

Why not make the cliffs created by Iceland's rugged nature your hideaway?

Pass through the secret door and you will be welcomed by a double-tiered waterfall.

At the top of the cliff is a ship's garden where you can enjoy the hot springs in a Viking-like ambiance.

Concept Stories

Open the secret door and go through the tunnel, and you will find your private cliff garden.

As you go down the stairs and walk along the boardwalk, the sound of a waterfall and a crystal clear lake await you.

When you return to your cottage, why not wait for the Northern Lights from the swinging chairs in the dome on the roof?

Outside the cottage is a circular garden built in a hollow protected from strong winds.

You can admire it from the warm room with fireplace or relax on the sofa surrounded by cornus and other flowers.

The fabric patterns are designed in respect for the Vikings.

If you're not afraid, why not take a rock bath in the red boat garden, built on the edge of a cliff?

Your cat is already having fun with her friend Red-rumped swallow.

AicoaAA also puts its heart into creating the feelings of the craftsmen who make the furniture, wood decks, bricks, and concrete and more.

The flowers I plant are Chionocharis hookeri, lychnis chalcedonica, papaver radicatum, gentiana tenella, and dryas octopetala.

Try a pot of soup made over a bonfire in the garden and eat it with gusto. 

Serve with freshly brewed coffee and freshly baked bread and cheese.

 You will feel like a Viking sailing on the open sea.

I have great respect for the Vikings.