How would you spend your time if you had your own garden somewhere in the world?

A moment to forget the busyness of daily life in your place.

Concept for garden arts

◉You can choose from three different types to suit your interior.

TypeAClear Watercolor paintings

TypeBClassical Japanese painting style

TypeCVivid color paintings

◉A secure gate protects you so that no one can disturb your peaceful moment.

◉But nobody can stop birds, cats, and similar intruders.

Because they are also free.

◉When would you like to spend time in the garden?

 In the "aicoA Aa garden", you can also enjoy both the blue skies and the starry skies.

Even starlight is different from one another.

◉In this garden, flowers are planted to suit the local climate.



◉I also like to focus on local food culture and suggest healthy meals.

◉May you return to the source of your soul while relaxing by the flame.

◉You can image also as a garden where loved ones who have gone to heaven may live in peace.

 If only your grief could be healed.