Ph.D. in Biostatistics, 2020, University of Pennsylvania
Advisor: Professor Yong Chen
Dissertation Committee: Professors Mary R. Boland, Christopher B. Forrest, John H. Holmes, Jason H. Moore
M.S. in Biostatistics, 2015, Duke University
Thesis advisor: Professor Terry Hyslop
B.S. in Mathematics, 2013, Fudan University
Google Research Scholar Award
HDSI Competitive Research Fund
Dean’s Fund for Scientific Advancement Activation Award
IMS New Researcher Travel Award
Saul Winegrad Award for Outstanding Dissertation
2018 Best Paper Award by the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) Yearbook Section on Clinical Research Informatics (top 5 papers from 741 papers published in 2017 on the topic of clinical research informatics).
Jiann-Ping Hsu Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Sciences Student Paper Award, first place of International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) Student Paper Award, 2018.
Eastern North American Region (ENAR) Distinguished Paper Award, 2018.
First place of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Student Paper Competition, 2016.
Jonathan Raz Award for Best Qualifying Examination, 2016.