Rui Duan (段芮)

I'm an Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and I am also a primary faculty member at the Department of Epidemiology, and affiliated at Harvard Data Science Initiative. I received a Ph.D in Biostatistics 2020 from University of Pennsylvania. I joined Harvard in 2020, and my research is supported by the Harvard Chan School of Public Health Dean's Fund for Scientific Achievements, Harvard Data Science Initiative Competitive Research Fund, Google Research Scholar Award, and the National Institutes of Health.

My research focuses on developing statistical and machine learning methods for effective use of biomedical data to support precise and accurate diagnostics, individualized treatments, and improve patient outcomes. Specifically, I have been developing (1) disease risk predictive models based on electronic health records (EHR) and EHR-linked biobanks, (2) methods for detecting cross-phenotype association and pleiotropy using high-dimensional data (3) federated learning and meta-analysis methods for evidence synthesis and data integration, and (4) methods accounting for suboptimality of real-world data, including missing data and measurement errors.

Email: rduan(at)hsph(dot)harvard(dot)edu

I'm very fortunate to work with many amazing students and researchers. We are always looking for talented folks to join us. We have multiple positions available for postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and research assistants. Feel free to contact me if you are interested to learn more about our research!