
Ph.D. (Earth Sciences) [2022]
Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Thesis title: Structural, Geophysical and Hydrogeological Characterizations of Crystalline Basement Aquifers (Ambaji Basin, NW India)
Areas: Structural Geology, Near-Surface Geophysics, and Fault zone Hydrogeology, Earth Surface Processes

Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Geology [2012]
Department of Geology and Geophysics, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
Areas: Structural Geology

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Geology [2010]
D.D. Autonomous College Keonjhar (North Orissa University) [Currently, Dharanidhar University, Keonjhar]

Professional Experience

Dec 2022- National Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India.
May-Aug 2022 Research Associate, Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India.
May-Oct 2019 Visiting Research Fellow, Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA.
June-Dec 2016 Junior Research Fellow, Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India.
2013-2015 Junior Research Fellow, Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India. 


2024 International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) Grant, UK
2024 Best Presentation Award, INC-IAH-CSMU International Groundwater Conference, CSMU Panvel, Mumbai
2024 INC-IAH Best Paper Award-2022, International Association of Hydrogeologists (Indian Chapter)
2022 SERB-National Postdoctoral Fellowship, Govt. of India [~$25000]
2022 Research Associateship by IIT Bombay [$1200]
2022 Geochemical Society Grant (to attend Goldschmidt 2022, Hawai'i, USA) [$2500]
2021 AGU Near-Surface Geophysics Travel Grant (to attend AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA) [$1000]
2020 GEOHOST Financial Grant (to attend 36th IGC 2020, New Delhi, India) [$750]
2019 International Travel Grant by IIT Bombay (to attend AGU Chapman Conference, Valencia, Spain) [$2000]
2019 AGC Overseas Grant by Flinders Univesity (to attend AGC 2019, Brisbane, Australia; declined)
2019 GSA International Travel Grant (to attend GSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, USA) [$700]
2019 Visiting Research Fellowship by DST, IUSSTF, and UNL, NE(to carry out research at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, NE, USA) [$14700]
2019 IAHS-SYSTA Grant, United Kingdom (to attend 27th IUGG Assembly, Montreal, Canada) [$2800]
2018 International Financial Grant, State Key Lab for Marine Geology & Tongji University, China (to attend 9th ICAMG, Shanghai, China) [$1000]
2018 International Travel Grant (ITS), SERB-DST, Govt. of India (to attend 45th IAH Congress, Daejeon, Korea) [$1000]
2016 Junior Research Fellowship, Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES),  Govt. of India
2013 Junior Research Fellowship, Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Govt. of India
2010 Institute Inspire Scholarship by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
2009 Senior Merit Scholarship by North Orissa University, Odisha
2007 National Merit Scholarship by CHSE, Govt. of Odisha

Memberships/Professional Activities

Member: American Geophysical Union (AGU) • International Association for Hydrogeologists (IAH) •  International Association for Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) • Geochemical Society • Nordic Association for Hydrology (NAH) • International Association for Structural  Geology and Tectonics (IASGT)

Journal Reviewer: Water Resources Management (03) • Frontiers in Environmental Science (02) • Sustainable Water Resources Management (12) • Journal of Earth System Science (03) • National Academy Science Letters (01) • Natural Resources Research (01)  •  Remote Sensing (02) •  Land (01) •  Sustainability (02) •  Hydrology (01) •  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (01) •  Stochastic  Environmental Research  and Risk Assessment (01) •  Geoscience Frontiers (02) •  Water (01) CLEAN-Soil, Air and Water (01) Scientific Reports (Nature) (01) RSC Advances (01)

Managing Editor:  Journal of Geointerface (ISSN: 2583-6900) and GeoChronicle Panorama (A Publication of CEHESH Trust of India, visit: ) 2022-