Trin Collaboration Proposal

TRIN is an open-currency which supports many social and scientific groups. TRIN operates independently and is not governed by any single entity. You can join a project currently running on Trin or start your own. 

Main Ongoing Projects: 

The purpose of trin is to develop open-research projects which can involve young researchers right from the start of their bachelor's degree.

Every step into the project: initiation, introduction, arguments and counter-arguments will be rewarded by popular tokens on hive like #meme, #spt and #sports (by using these tags).

The discussion and development will be recorded in our websites and will be submitted for funding to public agencies from time to time with teams formed from the discussion forums.

Our discussion forum is listed on hive here: 

How does the system work?

Thread: Start a new topic

Entry: Make contribution to a thread (replying to posts, do not count as entries. Entries must be separately posted)

All information posted are in the public pool and can be freely used by anybody and everybody without permission. Please do not share content that you want to publish independently or want to have copyright for in the future. 

Every thread and entry is rewarded with tokens on Hive. These are valuable tokens which can be converted to any currency (like USD, GBP or INR) through TRIN. 

Project: Threads with considerable content mature into projects.

Community: A cluster of projects with similar or complementary motive. 

Organization: Official registration of a community with local authorities. 

Proposed Collaboration with educational institute (Bachelor's level):