
Vriksh Level 0 Asset

Vriksh Level 0 Asset

Minted: 500 /

Current price: 1 Sw

Liquidity level: 100% 

Liquidity time: 1 month

Risk level: Very high (chances of total principal loss), current insurance percentage: 0


Estimated Payout

Thread 1: 

Wax/Wombat pool: 

Input: 519 GBP + 206 GBP + 400 GBP

Expected release in: 0.82 years

Released : Information in spreadsheet

14.75 GBP


The Vriksh grow at different rates in different seasons but there are ways to increase their growth rate in each season.

Rohi (Common)

1 Wombat

Rohi (Uncommon)

10 Wombat

Rohi (Rare)

100 Wombat

Rohi common uploaded to Maanchitra

1-3/100: Wax-Wombat

4/100: Bigtime

5/100: Realm: 4/25 Wax

6/100: Hive: Sports, meme built to 1 Wax

7/100: Rising star

8/100: Splinterlands

9/100: Twitch

10/100: Moonmining

11/100: NFT Battleminers


97/100: NFTV

98/100: Justplay

99/100: Wombat  

100/100: Prospectors