Rudradip Biswas

I am a postdoctoral researcher in pure mathematics at the University of Warwick with research interests at the intersection of homological algebra, representation theory, category theory (triangulated categories), and group theory. Below are the details of my education, research work, selected research talks, and seminars organized by me. 

*News: we have recently obtained funding from the London Math Society for 2 events that we will organize next year at the University of Warwick: 

a) ‘Recent Developments in Algebraic K-theory’ - (the website is linked with the title) scheduled for 7-11 April, 2025. This will be a normal research conference with invited talks by several top experts like Tom Bachmann, Baptiste Calmes, Jean Fasel, Jens Hornbostel, Irakli Patchkoria, Sabrina Pauli, Vladimir Sosnilo, etc. This event is being co-organized with Marco Schlichting. Other than the LMS, we have also received some funding from the Heilbronn Institute and the K-Theory Foundation for this meeting.

b) ‘Motives, equivariant topology, and tt-geometry’ - scheduled for 1-5 Sep, 2025. This will be an LMS Research School with three minicourses: noncommutative motives (by Goncalo Tabuada), tt geometry (by Greg Stevenson), and equivariant topology (by Sarah Petersen). There will also be several plenary talks. This event will be co-organized with John Greenlees and Clover May. 

More information about the Research School will follow shortly. If you are interested in either of these events or have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Education and Degrees:

Seminars  organized:

Physical meetings/conferences  where I've been a part of the organizing committee:

Papers and preprints:

Other Mathematical Writing:

Research Visits (recent):

Selected Research Talks: